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mike frye
Starting Member
1 Posts |
Posted - 06 Mar 2003 : 18:54:35
I am working on building a ni,me,hi battery for my old pb100 would anybody want one but me? I see from the label on the batterys I will be using that they have a lifetime warrenty. I don't know what they will cost but I think they will be about fifty bucks. |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 07 Mar 2003 : 09:35:19
Welcome to the 68kMLA!Sounds like an interesting experiment, have you checked out the Developer Notes on the 100 for info on the electrical characteristics requirements? IIRC, the PB100 used Sealed Lead Acid cells, but NiMH might work too. Let us know how your research goes. jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 08 Mar 2003 : 10:10:22
You might already know this, but, just to spare you the possible headache, the charging characteristics of lead acid and NiMH batteries are different. So, you would be unable to use the built-in charger of the pb100 and need to charge the cells with a charger designed for NiMH.The Lightning Stalker Performa 631CD, 7.5.5 LC III, FPU, 20/80/enet, 7.5.5, Mail Server 6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV 7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 1G/512k L2, 9.2.2 (Main Mac) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc 5.25" 2 Apple IIe Edited by - The Lightning Stalker on 08 Mar 2003 10:10:51 |
Starting Member
25 Posts |
Posted - 12 Mar 2003 : 00:43:23
I just checked a battery I bought for my 180cs a few years ago and it is NImh. I bought it online for about 100us. The circuit inside includes a zener diode to limit the charge voltage. Never had any problems with it.I am in Boynton Beach Florida USA. |
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 12 Mar 2003 : 11:56:43
NiCad and NiMH are a lot more friendly with each other's charging circutry. IIRC, the PB100 was the only PB that used SLA batteries. The PB100 was also not a TRUE 100 series powerbook, in looks and function, kind of like the 190. The PB100 was designed by apple in co-operation with Sony, and sony did most of the design work on the PB100. the rest of the PBs were designed by the AppleDesign team.CCC Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
New Member
54 Posts |
Posted - 13 Mar 2003 : 14:01:15
Figure out the price and let us know. If its around 50 I'll more than likely want one.--- The problem with computers is they do exactly what you tell them to. Now where's that fuggin 'any' key? Macs liberated thus far: SE-30, Performa 6320CD, Duo 280c and Powerbook 100. |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 13 Mar 2003 : 14:56:32
Boredom recells batteries for laptops, and may be of some use for this btw.~The Penguin **| Want free 68kmla email? Drop me a line |** | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | | <-- Official Hotline Server |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 19:34:14
daveosx said:
quote: I just checked a battery I bought for my 180cs a few years ago and it is NImh. I bought it online for about 100us. The circuit inside includes a zener diode to limit the charge voltage. Never had any problems with it.
That's interesting. What kind of battery did the 180cs originally take? This may be a clue into the circuitry you'll need to add to the battery for the PB 100. A diagram would be helpful. |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 19:41:23
I looked over on AppleSpec and there's no 180cs, but there is a 180c and the battery type is NiCD which happens to charge about the same as a lead acid. Just give it some current at or slightly above its rated voltage and volia! You have your charging circuit. I can't find any schematics for chargers of Li ion, Alkaline or NiMH, but I do have a Rayovac charger that you could cannibalize the circuit out of if daveosx doesn't report back on the little circuit for his 180cs batterie. |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 14 Mar 2003 : 19:43:54
Clinton said:
quote: NiCad and NiMH are a lot more friendly with each other's charging circutry.
Not true! Try and charge a NiMH from a regular NiCad charger and you'll ruin it! Or, at the very least, drastically shorten its life. |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 23 Mar 2003 : 22:37:32
it's the same thing if you charge new NiCad cells with old chargers! (old chargers want the old 1.5V type cells, and the new batteries are rated at 1.2, therefore messing things up BADLY) well, if you wish, I could recell ur battery for you, as stated by penguin, 20$ CAD plus shipping plus cost of cells. all in all, it'll prolly come to about 50-200 dollars (depeding on capacity, but I can't see any NiCad or NiMH cell order going above 100$)BTW, all prices CAD if you wanted, I could rig it up so the thing uses LiIon, but then you would defenitely have to charge it seperately, but think of the battery life! it would be like the size of a duo with the life of a portable... now THAT'S bobW! THNxn "my SPOON is TOO BIG!" 10000Th poster and 1000Th topic creator in lounge.
and remember, if you try and install mac OS 10.2 on an early G3, you will go insane, and aquire a thirst for blood! |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2003 : 15:01:36
NiCd works fine in the PB100, but you'll need to built on offboard charger for the Hydride cells. I've done many of these, trust me. I cut out the center of the lead acid battery and built a NiCd pack that I shrink wrapped between the front and back portions of the old battery. It didn;t slide in and out well, but it gave me a good 2-3 hours of battery life.Currently I'm flip flopping on building a Prismatic battery inside the cored PB100 case of my latest PB100, or, selling the laptop like all of the others I get bored with. :( Good luck. For what it is worth, the first PB100 battery I had rebuilt (in the method described above) by Batteries PLus ran me $32 parts and labor. -msr 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2003 : 19:44:48
NiCd works fine in the PB100, but you'll need to built on offboard charger for the Hydride cells. I've done many of these, trust me. I cut out the center of the lead acid battery and built a NiCd pack that I shrink wrapped between the front and back portions of the old battery. It didn't slide in and out well, but it gave me a good 2-3 hours of battery life.Currently I'm flip flopping on building a Prismatic battery inside the cored PB100 case of my latest PB100, or, selling the laptop like all of the others I get bored with. :(
Don't sell your BabyPB! I've got to fix mine.  I'd noticed the battery hack topic on your web page and I was looking forward to the info!  Does your hacked NiCad pack charge internally?jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 24 Mar 2003 : 19:45:30
NiCd works fine in the PB100, but you'll need to built on offboard charger for the Hydride cells. I've done many of these, trust me. I cut out the center of the lead acid battery and built a NiCd pack that I shrink wrapped between the front and back portions of the old battery. It didn't slide in and out well, but it gave me a good 2-3 hours of battery life.Currently I'm flip flopping on building a Prismatic battery inside the cored PB100 case of my latest PB100, or, selling the laptop like all of the others I get bored with. :(
Don't sell your BabyPB! I've got to fix mine.  I'd noticed the battery hack topic on your web page and I was looking forward to the info!  Does your hacked NiCad pack charge internally?jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |