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 Quadra / Centris
 ADB*2 :-)
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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1226 Posts
Posted - 06 Mar 2003 :  15:36:09
My Quadra 650 has 2 ADB ports, I am not sure why but it has already proved usefull as my son is on the floor(as is the Q650) & I am at the desk so I can use a seperate mouse. We also can have battles as to where the mouse pointer go's to on the screen.


Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive,3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" os 8.1
, 12 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive

Full Member

873 Posts
Posted - 06 Mar 2003 :  15:59:15
Dualing/Dueling Mice! LOL!

Try playing any sort of mouse-intensive game with two people trying to both control the action. Guaranteed "Game Over" when one person move the mouse to the right, the other moves it to the left and the on-screen character just sits there and gets plastered.


by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist
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LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 06 Mar 2003 :  16:09:05
I've had a mouse "dueal" with a friend before. That was fun.


Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s

Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army

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FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 07 Mar 2003 :  22:45:09
I've had mouse duels in the past...but they always end up with my friend dead on the ground with a broadsword in his back...

master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 07 Mar 2003 :  23:07:58
Doofsmack and I had Mouse Duels on his mac IIci (Incidentally his first computer was a mac)

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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1226 Posts
Posted - 10 Mar 2003 :  03:30:52
Sometimes When I boot up my Quadra 650 dosn't recognise the second mouse, ie:- my second mouse dosn't move the mouse pointer. Sometimes I can remedy this by unplugging & replugging my second mouse.

This is my set-up;

Quadra 650 ADB port 1 to ADB keyboard to ADB mouse
Quadra 650 ADB port 2 to ADB keyboard to ADB mouse

The second keyboard allways works it is just the second mouse will sometimes work, sometimes wont.

I do realise this my be a as is situation, but thought there might be somthing that I could do to ensure that the second mouse works.


Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive,3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" os 8.1
, 12 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive

Edited by - shaktiman on 10 Mar 2003 03:40:05Go to Top of Page

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 10 Mar 2003 :  05:35:28
Does the mouse work fully reliably when it's plugged in through the 1st ADB port?

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
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Full Member

700 Posts
Posted - 10 Mar 2003 :  13:18:06
do you think that 2 keyboards and 2 mice would tax the 500mAH that the ADB circutry spits out?

I have overloaded an ADB bus before, and stuff would stop working at random. took me 6 months to figger out what the hell was wrong with my setup


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2899 Posts
Posted - 10 Mar 2003 :  13:33:35

do you think that 2 keyboards and 2 mice would tax the 500mAH that the ADB circutry spits out?

I have overloaded an ADB bus before, and stuff would stop working at random. took me 6 months to figger out what the hell was wrong with my setup

*looks questioningly at the three keyboards and one mouse hooked up to ADB-> USB converter on the G4*

jt .
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