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Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2003 : 19:50:03
the world lost a great man when fred rogers died yesterday... personally i watched the show every day for about six years, and mr. rogers was my hero for most of my early childhood... i wish there were more people like him in the world... did anybody else here watch as much "mr. rogers" as I did? ------------- The home of Portals 68k Macs Liberated: 2 ...because no one expects the Spanish Inquisition! |
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2003 : 20:13:16
I did, and am deeply saddened by the loss.The little red trolley has made it's last run. He will live immortal in our hearts, and minds, as we watch his show with our children, and our children's children. God bless, and may the Lord rest your soul, Fred Rogers. CCC Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 28 Feb 2003 : 20:18:11
I watched Mr. Rogers ALOT when I was just a wee lad... but what would really kill me?if Mr. Conductor from Shining Time Station died... I would curl up in a ball and cry for a LONG TIME.... that was MY favorite childhood television show  I still wouldn't mind living on the Island of Sodor... they pack so much fun stuff and great economy into such a small island... and so many great stories..... I wonder if they were still making new Mr. Rogers Episodes recently (within last 5 years?) Official 68k videographer |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2003 : 10:27:11
hehhee! I have not seen Mr Rodger's nabourhood for years! last time I saw it was like... before life started sucking @$$. hmm... ahh well. I loved that dislexic owl that was all like "what's a people?!" hahaha...-sob- ThNxnxxx "this smells like whoa and makes me go wheeee!!"
10000Th poster and 1000Th topic creator in lounge. and remember, if you try and install mac OS 10.2 on an early G3, you will go insane, and aquire a thirst for blood! |
Junior Member

217 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2003 : 12:05:22
The world lost when Mr. Dressup died too, any Canadian can back me up on this one. I read Mr Dressup and Mr Roger's worked together, I think in the 60's.Editor of the printed word, Ministry of 68k Truths (mini6) ------------------ PowerCD, SE 4/40, Classic II 4/40, IIx 8/160, IIvi 8/260, Quadra 650 32/260, iMac 333 160/6G How you like d'em apples?! |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2003 : 14:27:55
Wasn't the conductor Ringo Starr?The Lightning Stalker Performa 631CD, 7.5.5 LC III, FPU, 20/80/enet, 7.5.5, Mail Server 6400/180 40/1.6G/512k L2/enet/video-in/TV 7600/120 '604/233, 80/1.2G & 1G/512k L2, 9.2.2 (Main Mac) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc 5.25" 2 Apple IIe |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 01 Mar 2003 : 15:33:51
Wasn't the conductor Ringo Starr?
Just the first year or so, it was awesome in the beginning, the CGI stuff I saw recently was good too, but I liked the first season. The kid grew up on Mr. Rogers and Shining Time Station and I watched it with him . . . luckily, I haven't matured quite as much . . . :rolleyes:Wait'll you guys get to watch Mr. Rogers with your own kids, it's a real treat. Farewell, Fred!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |