Hello everyone, it's been a while!I have a mac classic (with 6.0.8) that I've been using to do some writing. The other day however, the computer wouldn't let me access some of my work that I had saved to a floppy. I'm assuming the disk is damaged.
This is what I'm hoping to accomplish:
1) Repair of the damaged disk. I'm doing all of my downloading via a PC with Win 98. So I would have to activate the program through windows, and then insert the damaged disk in the PC while running the program that fixes it. I think it's winimage? I'm not sure. It may be impossible at this point.
If 1) won't work, then perhaps
2) Taking the disk to kinkos and use one of their macs to perhaps repair the disk.
3) Start over....and make back up copies (which is what I should have done in the first place)
Any ideas?
Thanks for your time.