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 Duo Dock Plus question
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8 Posts
Posted - 26 Jan 2003 :  21:47:29
I picked up a Duo Dock plus for $15 (as is), but I'm having trouble docking my Duo280c. It seems to plug in, and I can press the power key on an old ADB keyboard and hear the Duo's Hard Drive spin up, but then it stops and goes into sleep mode immediately after (the sleep LED is flashing). Has this happened to anyone? I'm also using a standard 13" VGA monitor w/Apple video adapter, would this affect anything? All that shows up on the screen is a grey grid pattern. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

LCIII, Duo280c

Starting Member

21 Posts
Posted - 01 Feb 2003 :  11:56:41

I can press the power key on an old ADB keyboard and hear the Duo's Hard Drive spin up, but then it stops and goes into sleep mode immediately after (the sleep LED is flashing).

Does it Chime before the HD spins? I had this problem (many years ago, so it's fuzzy at best). I think I removed the Duo battery, and then plugged it into the dock. When those type 1, 2 or 3 batteries die, I recall having many boot problems.

A more common problem I had was the dock power supply ticking (dead capacitor). This will also produce the same symptoms you described, but the PS should be making a ticking noise.

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Starting Member

8 Posts
Posted - 02 Feb 2003 :  17:58:41
Hm, the battery can still last about 2 hours, but I'll give it a try. I don't hear the ticking noise, but it does do the startup chime. I wonder what it could be. Thanks!

LCIII, Duo280cGo to Top of Page


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