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Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 09:51:18
This was posted in the 68k Conquests forum, but should have been here. Since I can't seem to figure out how to move it, I'll re-post it here.I have a number of older Macs that I rescued from various fates with the intention of using them for various projects. The projects were superceded by other obligations and now the Macs are doing little more than collecting dust and occupying valuable storage space in my basement. Anyhoo, they're free to good homes (as in people who'll use them, not try to re-sell them...and, honestly, they have little to no resale value anyway, so don't think you'll make a quick buck here...) as long as you can pick them up. I'm located about 10 miles North of Philadelphia. OK, here's what I've got: 1 - Centris 610 3 - PM 6100/66 DOS Compatible 1 - PM 7100/66 1 - Centris 650 (68040/25, not 33) 2 - Mac IIvx I also have several 13" color displays, various keyboards, mice, and other hardware including some PB1xx parts. If you don't see it, ask. Please e-mail me with specific questions. My e-mail is Depending on where you are, we could probably arrange delivery or at least meeting halfway, but I will NOT ship this stuff unless you want to pay for shipping (via PayPal only). I've gotten burned too many times shipping stuff and never getting reimbursed for the shipping. -Chad |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 15:35:06
Hi Chad I'm fairly interested in some of the items you have, but..... Now I don't know whereabouts you live & from the forum info you could be in Antarctica for all I know. I hope you dont mind me "hijacking" your post a little just to make a point that I have made before. When I look at the posts in trading post(post titles) it dosn't let you know what part of the world ppl are from. Anyway are you in UK? I like the sound of the 13" monitors. shaktiman Quadra 840av, prettymuchmaxedout8xcd drive,3 monitors 15" & 14" & 14" os 8.1 , 12 meg ram, 500 meg hard drive Performa400(asleepintheattick) |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jan 2003 : 19:33:12
wow... you almost have a lab there... I'd be asking about (all 3) of those 6100s.... but... are you in North America? near the west coast? in the USA?Official 68k videographer |
Starting Member
36 Posts |
Posted - 27 Jan 2003 : 10:02:29
Well, if you bothered to read the whole post, you'd see that I mentioned in the opening paragraph that: "I'm located about 10 miles North of Philadelphia."Although, admittedly, there is more than one Philadelphia in the world, and I should have specified that's Philadelphia, PA. I can get latitude and longitude if that helps to narrow things down for ya :P. So, no, I'm not in the UK, and I don't even want to THINK about what it would cost to ship any of these items there. This is pickup only unless you're willing to pay, in full and in advance, for the shipping. Thanks, -Chad 
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