i) you should not need to solder anything.2) all 5x0 series Logic Boards are identical.
3) to remove the motherboard from the case, you need to totally disassemble it.
4) to get at the processor, use a T-8 torx driver to remove the two screws on the underside of the case, at the middle of the sides to free the keyboard. rotate it out of it's resting place (dont worry -- the ribbons give quite a bit of leeway). right underneath and in the middle, you should see a large metal box. this is the heatsink/processor cover. unscrew, remove, and put to one side. underneath, you should see several circut boards veritabley jammed in there. they are merely connected to each other, and to remove them, all you need is a "chip puller" (one of those tools that look like wide, hooked tweezers) take the chip puller (very common tools, btw, they come in almost every computer toolkit) and make the jaws wider by pulling outward. then grip the sides of the little circut boards, and pull straight up. they should come off (the chip puller thing came directly from service source on the PB540c). YMMV with these instructions, but they give you the basics.
5) if you feel too compassionate for your beloved book to take it apart, you can ethier:
a) send it to me (just kidding)
b) find a local computer shop to do the work for you, if you provide them with a copy of the apple service source documentation in PDF format (there are sources out there, I just have no linkage at this point)
6) your best bet is the washing. the powerbook 5x0's motherboard is "smart" it senses when there is a short circut, and then it denies itself power, for fear of damaging itself. so I think that your motherboard will be fine after a little bath.
7) when you bathe your motherboard, use WARM, not hot water. warm water will dissolve the juice slowly, hot water will dissolve it quicker, but cause some undesirable thermal effects, like invisible cracking of traces on the motherboard. always finish with a rinse of distilled water, you know the kind that you buy for your iron, not sprring water, but the demineralized stuff.
8) NEVER dry your motherboard by hand, ALWAYS let it sit for a week in an airing cupboard or some such, protected from dust for a week, until you are certian it is completley dry
9) all else fails, buy another motherboard, or send the machine to me, and buy yourself a pismo, 
10) remove everything that can be removed without desoldering from the motherboard before washing. oh, and after you wash it, give the ports/connectors a good blast of canned air to get rid of water buildup there.
good luck, and happy fixing
let uis know if it works!
Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant)
68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII
Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180
Apple //s rescued: Apple //e