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Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 20:23:12
Has anyone here had any success with running Windoze 1.03 under Virtual PC 5? I installed MS-DOS 5 and then Windoze 1.03. It freezes even more often than newer versions of Windoze, and the mouse won't work at all in Windoze, even with in my autoexec.bat file.Windoze 2.03 works fine with DOS 6.22, though. The only thing good about that OS is the Reversi game. There is no desktop, no icons, and the interface is just like DOS Shell. Has anybody gotten DESQview to run under VPC? With DESQview 2.1, DOS 6.22, and QEMM v8.3, the system dies right after the splash screen. Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 21:48:07
a conosuer of OLD OSs eh? well have you tried Bochs for Mac? I haven't gotten anything to work in it myself... but it might be better than VPC  Official 68k videographer |
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 22:06:51
do yourself a favour and install OS/2 2.0. I use it a lot, and love it to death. it can use it's own GUI, or you can switch to a windows 3.1 interface. not only is it fast, and fun to use, it is windows compatable!!!anyway, check it out. CCC Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 22:45:33
interesting.... got any info on the latest version of OS/2? I'm wondering... about that whole warp thing  Official 68k videographer |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 23:06:36
I'm running Windoze 2000 Advanced Server under VPC 5, though I have also tried Win 98 SE, but nothing earlier. I want to try out VPC 6 since it's got faster response under Jaguar and it lets you have the Windoze start menu in the dock.666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hardware Page: |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jan 2003 : 04:03:41
Windows 1.03 won't work on a real true blue genuine 386 PC, either. Hmmmmm.... -------------------------- Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jan 2003 : 06:50:51" target="_blank"> is where I got old versions of Windoze. It says you need MS-DOS 5 or below to make Windoze 1.03 work.To use the disk images there on VPC, just drop all of them on Stuffit Expander and then put an extension of .img on the end of each one. Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 17 Jan 2003 : 07:43:00
See for OS/2, DESQview, and Windoze downloads.Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2003 : 21:16:15
OS/2 isn't working for me!!! First I downloaded version 2.1 (a .rar file) and Stuffit can't decompress it and VPC can't "capture it"Equally frustrating with version 2.0 - the .zip unzips and i add .img to all the files, which doesn't make VPC want to see them either! ugh! (hmm...would those work with my DOS card?) -------------------- master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic -------------------- |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 04:13:41
You need MacRAR to unRAR this archive.Now tell me where you got it. :-P Oh, and don't expect miracles from VPC6. I have yet to notice any big differences between VPC5 and VPC6 running Windows 2000 Professional on my 600 MHz iBook under Jaguar 10.2.3. Which is exactly the configuration Connectix claim should benefit the most from the upgrade. ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 07:50:10
To install OS/2 2.1 under Virtual PC:Download MS-DOS 6.2.2 at Download OS/2 2.1 at Download unrar for Mac OS X at and install it. Put MS-DOS' RAR file in a folder on the Desktop called msdos and OS/2's RAR file in a folder on the Desktop called os2 Open a Terminal. Type: cd [enter] Type: cd Desktop [enter] Type: cd msdos [enter] Type: unrar e [name of msdos archive] [enter] Drag the resulting .imz files to Stuffit Expander and it should expand them. Rename the .ima files to .img. Create a new DOS Virtual PC with a 250 MB fixed size HD, and boot it off the first MS-DOS disk. Install DOS. Open a Terminal. Type: cd [enter] Type: cd Desktop [enter] Type: cd os2 [enter] Type: unrar e [name of os2 archive] [enter] Drag the resulting .imz files to Stuffit Expander and it should expand them. Rename the .ima files to .img. Boot the Virtual PC with MS-DOS on it, capture the OS/2 installation disk, and restart. Follow the instructions and OS/2 should install OK. There is an S3 driver available from IBM, but I haven't tried it in VPC. Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 11:13:10
Oldmacman- you kick ass! I can't wait to get back on broadband, download this stuff, and try your directions. Thanks! :-) SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 13:24:04
I second that.I'll be trying OS/2 tomorrow, woohoo! Now if only someone knew a place to download Warp3 and Warp 4... ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 13:44:23
Well, I've gotten OS 2 to work from Oldmacmac's link, but the DOS 6.2 that was linked to doesn't seem to work in VPC 6... when I try to boot from the first disk, the system just hangs. Anyone else have a reliable link to DOS 6.2.x? Thanks! SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 21:49:13
I installed DOS 6.22, then OS/2 2.1, but when I restart the virtual PC after installing and configuring OS/2, it just hangs at a grey screen with that funny square clock...-------------------- master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic -------------------- |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 22:31:23
quote: I installed DOS 6.22, then OS/2 2.1, but when I restart the virtual PC after installing and configuring OS/2, it just hangs at a grey screen with that funny square clock...
That's exactly what I'm getting! I guess it was too good to be true... sigh. Oh well- do share, if you figure out what's wrong! Thanks, SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 05:34:12
Got it!You have to disable USB in the PC's settings. Oh, and I didn't get it to install on an HPFS volume. Anyone else have luck doing that? I have an unfounded bias against FAT... ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 07:02:24
Okay, here's what I did... 1. Create an fixed size hard drive image file (OS/2 2.1 takes about 30 MB for itself) 2. Create a new PC with USB disabled. Use the image from step 1 as C: 3. Start the PC with the Installation disk image mounted 4. When asked, let the installation program format the drive in FAT16 format 5. Complete the installation.
Have fun! ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 07:24:02
Sorry, I forgot the part about disabling USB.  How do I install the multimedia extensions? Help says to run MINSTALL, but I can't find it. Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 07:27:04
In the directory there are all kinds of old operating systems from DOS 3.3 to Win98SE.Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 10:01:40
quote: Sorry, I forgot the part about disabling USB.
Well, I just checked, and my virtual PC already has USB disabled, and it's still hanging at the OS/2 boot screen (tan background with OS/2 clock mouse). Any ideas? Thanks! SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" Edited by - SpaceBoy on 20 Jan 2003 11:47:29 |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jan 2003 : 10:41:40
I disabled networking also. Maybe that makes a difference.If not, try re-installing the OS. Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 03:31:50
That shouldn't make a difference, I have networking enabled (virtual switch), and it works fine.Screenshots: ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 10:18:55
quote: That shouldn't make a difference, I have networking enabled (virtual switch), and it works fine.
Interesting.... Have you been able to shut down your OS/2 system, and then restart it? Mine worked fine the first time I ran it, but now fails to completely boot... sigh. Oh well, there are other cool old OS's out there to tinker with! :-) SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 11:23:07
Thanks OldMacMan for the link! That's an awesome site! They don't have OS/2 Warp!, though. Any ideas on that? I've got this big fat old IBM 286 server that's built like a tank and was meant to take OS/2. Thanks again.The Lightning Stalker 68k Macs liberated so far: Cat Piss Performa 631CD ThriftMac LC III PPC Macs: Road Apple 5200CD Performa 6400/180 PowerMac 7600/120 (225 Mhz upgrade) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc (5.25" Built-in Floppy) 2 Apple IIe |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 14:39:22
I don't think Warp will run on a 286. Try OS/2 2.1 and see if it works.Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 15:39:05
I got OS/2 up and running...I expected something mad-hi-tech,'s warp.. i need to get OPENSTEP working...i got a bunch of kernel panics after restarting post-installation/configuration...
-------------------- master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic -------------------- |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 16:13:33
Warp v4 probably won't work on a 286, but maybe v1 will. When I started it up, it said it was starting OS/2 Warp, so it had to have been installed. I went to IBM's website and can't find anything about minimum system requirements. I guess IBM doesn't want you to know how to use their software.  The Lightning Stalker 68k Macs liberated so far: Cat Piss Performa 631CD ThriftMac LC III PPC Macs: Road Apple 5200CD Performa 6400/180 PowerMac 7600/120 (225 Mhz upgrade) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc (5.25" Built-in Floppy) 2 Apple IIe |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 18:07:32
quote: Warp v4 probably won't work on a 286, but maybe v1 will.
Only OS/2 versions 3 and 4 were called Warp, at least from what I've seen. See quote: i need to get OPENSTEP working...i got a bunch of kernel panics after restarting post-installation/configuration...
What hardware are you trying to install it on? Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert Macs Liberated: SE (2), LC, IIsi, PB 145b, Quadra 700 (2), LC 575, 6100 (2), PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 18:29:30
quote: Only OS/2 versions 3 and 4 were called Warp, at least from what I've seen. See
Sorry, I know next to nothing about OS/2. I've tried to just ignore it until now, hoping it would go away, but it seems to be stalking me. Besides, it's the only thing that was really meant to run on that big tank. The Lightning Stalker 68k Macs liberated so far: Cat Piss Performa 631CD ThriftMac LC III PPC Macs: Road Apple 5200CD Performa 6400/180 PowerMac 7600/120 (225 Mhz upgrade) Lady Smith Apples: Apple IIc (5.25" Built-in Floppy) 2 Apple IIe |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 06:31:35
quote: Have you been able to shut down your OS/2 system, and then restart it? Mine worked fine the first time I ran it, but now fails to completely boot... sigh.
Good thinking. Well, I shut down the OS/2 VPC, and then booted it again. First time, it locked up at the grey screen with the clock, when restarted it ran CHKDSK and booted just fine. Guess I'm just lucky. :p ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 06:50:45
hehehe... OS/2 or NT NT 3.1 and OS/2 both multiuser systems? if so I'll prolly go for OS/2 anyway! Official 68k videographer |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 08:44:06
quote: is NT 3.1 and OS/2 both multiuser systems? if so I'll prolly go for OS/2 anyway!
That's probably the right idea. Any version of NT before 3.5.1 is probably useless. |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 10:10:21
quote: i need to get OPENSTEP working...i got a bunch of kernel panics after restarting post-installation/configuration...
What hardware are you trying to install it on?
VPC 5 running on a 400 MHz iMac DV Special Edition...I was following some web page that told me what drivers to choose, etc. but i can't seem to find it now...I'll probably take another stab at it this weekend... -------------------- master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic -------------------- |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 12:25:00
oldmacman said: quote: Only OS/2 versions 3 and 4 were called Warp, at least from what I've seen. See
There's actually an OS/2 Warp 1.30.1. I was in another thread that directed me to where they have more old OS downloads (their file hosting is currently down) and Warp 1.30.1 is right there. |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 23 Jan 2003 : 22:11:19
OHYEAH! and please tell me WHO wants windows 96? and WHO is outraged that they offer win NT 4? ME that's who!  I likesome windows... maybe 96 will work well Official 68k videographer |
Junior Member

269 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 03:03:03
He has a nice selection of software, but he doesn't really know his history... "CP/M ran on mainframe computers in the '70's"? Come on! CP/M ran on the Zilog Z80 and Intel 8080, 8-bit microprocessors and not quite mainframe class technology. Heck, even the name indicates that CP/M is the "Control Program for Microcomputers".OS/2 wasn't called Warp until version 3 was released. I strongly suspect that when you download OS/2 "Warp" 1.30.1 from that site, you'll end up with plain OS/2 1.30.1. He's just calling everything that has OS/2 in the name "Warp". ,xtG .tsooJ -- RTFM |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 06:42:13
hehehe... but I couldn't download any of the files... "server not found" and all that  Official 68k videographer |
The Lightning Stalker
Full Member
747 Posts |
Posted - 24 Jan 2003 : 09:15:14
mmm, could be.   |
Full Member
516 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 18:27:32
hmm... maybe you should try Rhapsody for x86 kinda redundant on OS X, isn't it.------------- Covert Ops, 578th Performa Division 68k Macs Liberated: 2 ...because no one expects the Spanish Inquisition! |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jan 2003 : 22:50:26
hehehe... internet... :Phehehe... I wanted to do that... but don't have any computers that dont do a kernel panic before install really starts Official 68k videographer |