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Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 16:06:42
Howdy. What I am looking for: A powerbook 190cs, 5300c, 5300cs, 5300ce, 1400cs or thereabouts. Needs to have the AC adapter and needs to work, but doesn't need a lot of ram or a huge hard drive. Battery can be dead, that's fine.Here is what I have to trade (you can put together the offer you find most appealing, including cash with product.) If you'd rather just buy the goods, prices are listed but do not include shipping. I take Paypal, checks and money orders. Thanks again... 1) Color Classic, 4/80 running 7.1. Includes Apple design keyboard and mouse. Thoroughly inspected and hardware guaranteed for 30 days (excepting anything caused by a software snafu on buyers account)...$100.00 shipped anywhere in the U.S. 1) Mac 128k upgraded to Fat Mac. internal drive still only reads 400k disks, but I hooked an external 800k drive to it and it read disks just fine. When external drive is connected I noticed that the internal drive runs constantly though, which is a bit annoying. No PRAM battery, case shows light yellowing but it is not very bad. Very clean. Screen has very, very light burn in (I almost didn't notice it). I have gone through the power supply and pre-repaired common ailments to these boards. Focus and G2 settings have alkl been adjusted. Includes non-extended keyboard and mouse. I'll guarantee the hardware on this one for 60 days. I'll even throw in a 400k System 3 boot disk if you would like. Asking $100.00 shipped anywhere in the lower 48. 1) U.S. Robotics speedster 28k external modem with modem cable, power supply and driver CD. Works great, guaranteed not DOA. $15 shipped in the lower 48. 1) Virtual PC Version 2.0.1 CD. $8 shipped. 1) Adobe PhotoDeluxe 3.0 $5 shipped 1) FAXstf CD $5 shipped 1) Norton Anti-Virus 6.0 $5 shipped 1) Netscape Communicator Professional Edition (4ish) with calender and everything $5 shipped 1) Avid VideoShop 2.0 (The Quicktime Movie Editor) sealed in the package with manual! $8 shipped Thanks for looking. Let me know if you have anything for me or are interested in any of my stuff!
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 16:08:43
Sorry, the Color Classic shipped price with guarantee should read $80.00. 
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 17:09:31
one thing, that color clasic is only worth 25$ in that config, and especially since it doesn't include anything spectacular... also, that mac 128K isn't worth that much, because it's NOT a mac 128K! if it was a REAL 128K W/manuals and box, it'd be worth that.... I'd offer about 10$ for that. and don't expect any straight across trades. research a bit more before you price something. I learned this the hard way. just preventing future embarrasment. THnxNDXx "mac and cheese and hamburger is my staple food."
10000Th poster and 1000Th topic creator in lounge. and remember, if you try and install mac OS 10.2 on an early G3, you will go insane, and aquire a thirst for blood! |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 18:01:43
quote: Sorry, the Color Classic shipped price with guarantee should read $80.00.
Hmmm... that's tempting... I don't suppose you're in Las Vegas, NV? I was just wondering, based on your name... Thanks! SpaceBoyOfficial MLA Raconteur AppleBASIC FOREVER! TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PowerMac 6500/275 Performa 6400/180 3x PowerMac 7600/132 SE/30 32/250, "Wang" PB 1400/133 PB 180/33 PMac 7100/G3-266 Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 18:48:46
quote: and don't expect any straight across trades. research a bit more before you price something. I learned this the hard way. just preventing future embarrasmen
Based on the offers I've received on both units so far, I'd say you were a bit wrong Sir. 
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2003 : 15:11:25
argh. stupid ppl being sold on a good pitch. I could (and allmost did) get a free powerbook on a good pitch. unfortunately, I have some moral values, and I bought it for 30$ (it was a 140, and that was a looooong time ago) HoHum. as much profit as this may bring you (and cograts on making such a good pitch. you must be a very smart guy) but I wouldn't pay 100$ USD for a 512K in that condition. maybe if it had like BOXXES and NO yellowing.... but not urs. I'm sorry. Thnx *no quote for you!! >= )
10000Th poster and 1000Th topic creator in lounge. and remember, if you try and install mac OS 10.2 on an early G3, you will go insane, and aquire a thirst for blood! |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2003 : 17:59:16
quote: and don't expect any straight across trades. research a bit more before you price something. I learned this the hard way. just preventing future embarrasmen
Based on the offers I've received on both units so far, I'd say you were a bit wrong Sir.
The people who have been giving you those offers are obviously ill-informed. Poor souls. I got my 512k (in box, original packaging, manuals, software, etc) for free and my Color Classic for $5. -------------------- master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic -------------------- |
Junior Member

147 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2003 : 21:29:51
Give this guy a break! Hes just trying to get offers on his stuff. Collectors will pay that much, and I am sure some people will here also! Sounds like the prices he listed were his best offers. geez.
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 18 Jan 2003 : 23:41:52
ok, quit shooting him down. the CC is worth the $80, if it is in mint condition, and backed by the 30 day guarantee. still lists the established current price as 150 - 200$. In the Los Angeles area, I cant find one for under $50, and those ones have slight yellowing, and other blemishing. all in all, the CC is worth it, to a collector. CCC Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 18:45:00
Hey, I agree - I wouldn't pay that much for either of these units - but that's because I'm a service tech and can repair them myself. If I were buying them off some 8 year old who was just back from dumpster diving it would be one thing, but you are paying partially for a very, very careful inspection of the units, repair, and extensive testing. Not to mention a warranty...My advice: Don't buy them if you don't like the price. But if you are just looking for an excuse to get more posts on your little post counter, knock yourself out. 
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2003 : 18:48:50
MAYBE the color classic would be worth that much... canadian dollars, but I still don't think a fat mac with a "mac 128K" sticker on the back is worth 100$, especially since it has defects, AND no boxes... ahh well. say what you may. a collectors item is a mac 128K that was physically upgraded to 512K (via upgrade card/chip or whatever instead of just swapping out the motherboard) or an origonal one with boxxes, and an imagewriter with boxes all perfect condition... THAT I would pay 100 bucks for.ShuMpolurghh! THnx "arrgh! why is it so hard to find a printer in this town?!!?!!??!?"
10000Th poster and 1000Th topic creator in lounge. and remember, if you try and install mac OS 10.2 on an early G3, you will go insane, and aquire a thirst for blood! |
Starting Member
11 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 15:47:09
This 128k has an accelerator board, not a new logic board. The l/b is original 128k with the 68k micro removed and soldered onto a accelerator that gives it the same memory and specs as a Fat Mac.And, the flaw of the drive? That apparently was a hardware bug in the accelerator. Found that on Google last night. External 800k drives work but they freak out the floppy driver onboard... Nice rant though, really.

Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jan 2003 : 20:38:46
ok. I'll shut up now. hehe. you can agree with me. a 512K is NOT worth 100$ USD, this on the other hand is. BTW, I reccomend you keep it in good condidion for another few years. triple or even quadruple the value! hehe. just my little "whoa I feel stupid right now" rant. THnXn "ugh.. too much... ice cream.... going... to... explode..."
10000Th poster and 1000Th topic creator in lounge. and remember, if you try and install mac OS 10.2 on an early G3, you will go insane, and aquire a thirst for blood! |
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