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Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jan 2003 : 09:55:18
For those of you who didn't already know, I spent about 2 weeks in Florida over the holidays and while I was there I paid a visit to the venerable Miami-Dade County Surplus Property Sales warehouse, also known as GSA (although i have no idea what GSA actually stands for). This was the place that got me started with tinkering with odd machinery and computers. Essentially, it's a huge warehouse full of old junk that had been used by county offices, libraries, police stations, schools, etc. but was deemed outdated and taken to the warehouse to sell for whatever price they could get. They have everything; computers, stereo equipment, tools, machinery, photocopiers, bicycles, furniture, name it. Unfortunately, I didn;t find a single Mac there, just Home-Depot-style aisles of palettes of ancient PC's. I did pick up a couple nifty little items, though. I got this really big, bright orannge metal clock that looks like it came from a public school circa the 1960's for just $2. I also got one of those stainless steel hand-soap dispensers, brand new, for only $1. I had to buy two of those oversized soap refills to fill it, and I still haven't figured out how to mount it in my kitchen, but it's still cool. Anyway, they finally have a website now, which is cool because they give info about their online auctions for all kinds of junk. Check 'em out! 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 00:20:46
GSA: Government Services Administrationmdh 
Junior Member

196 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 07:32:36
GSA: Government Services Administration
Actually, it's "General Services Administration".If you've got a large military base in the area, then you may also may want to look into whether they have a DRMO (Defense Reuse Management Organization) facility and, more specifically, periodic auctions. <<<john>>>
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 08:12:28
Thanks, now I know. I probably won;t be back in Miami until this Spring though, so now I have to find something like GSA here in L.A....666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 13 Jan 2003 : 18:46:27
hey cinemo, we need to make an effort to find a place when on a certian date, people bring in their "old" computers for recycling. I have heard tell of such things going on in the area, and am thinking that we may find a diamond in the rough, like someone throwing out their iMac or an upgraded machine, or a B&W G3 because they got something newer, heh anyway... CCCLieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 06:10:36
?? The General Services Administration is a *Federal* agency. Why would they be hosting *county* sales?/Mr Lynn The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn’t have a space program. --Larry Niven |
Junior Member

176 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 06:17:42
I don't suppose anybody knows about this little gem, yet? ------------------ MacMoose Benevolent Genius, 68k MLA Total 68K Macs liberated: 22 and counting ------------------
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 08:27:29
Just wanted to mention, I know the customs office in San Pedro does auctions, but they never seem to have any Macs. Have you been by it, Clinton?666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 13:59:16
WOW! just gotta find one of those sales with an AppleNetwork Server 700!Official 68k videographer |
Full Member
873 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 14:36:44
Speaking of the GSA auctions, take a look at I spotted 4 desktop macs and at least two compact macs cowering in corners in the piccies. Anybody in the S.F. environs with high PAF/SAF, an empty garage, a coupla hundred bucks, and a pickup truck could have a good time. Happy bidding, G4From128k by Day: Mild-Mannered Engineer and Trapeze(tm) Artist by Night: Colonel of Truth, Justice, and the Macintosh Way Reserve Officer in 68kMLA Cantankerous Coot Contingent & User of the Hockey Puck Mouse of Radial Symmetry Edited by - g4from128k on 14 Jan 2003 14:41:32 |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 15:25:41
quote: Anybody...with high PAF/SAF, an empty garage, a coupla hundred bucks, and a pickup truck...
I don't think there's a member among us who wouldn't want that.  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server: Edited by - cinemafia on 14 Jan 2003 15:25:55 |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 17:50:21
quote: Anybody...with high PAF/SAF, an empty garage, a coupla hundred bucks, and a pickup truck...
I don't think there's a member among us who wouldn't want that. 
Hell yeah!!!!!!!!!  -------------------------- Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 20:00:50
nay, I have not checked out the customs house auctions, hell I dont even know where the customs office is, and I LIVE in 'Pedro. Anyway, I still think we need to find a recyclking day and offer people $5 for their "trash" post-1998 computers, lol lets rove the online classifieds, heh CCCLieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 14 Jan 2003 : 23:41:17
quote: hell I dont even know where the customs office is, and I LIVE in 'Pedro.
I passed it on the way to your job because I got a tad lost. It happens to be right on the other side of that huge bridge that goes to where the ports are. 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hardware Page: |
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 11:06:06
aaah, the terminal island customs office. I thought you meant one that was in San Pedro Proper. I did not know they had auctions, though one day I should have a ticketty-boo down there to see what is cooking. BTW, I was looking at the gov't surplus auctions, and there are skidlotsof computers going for around $35, that and misc. electronics. anyone up to renting a truck to go to nevada to inspect and bid on some nevada state property? oh, I saw an applevisoion a/v in one of the auctions piccies, there may be more macs than we think there. anyway.... CCC Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant) 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, a Q650, a Q660AV, and a MacII Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, a PM 8600/300, and a PM8500/180 Apple //s rescued: Apple //e |
Starting Member
31 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 : 16:27:08
Cinemo:There used to be a huge DRMO/GSA wharehouse on the Naval Base at Port Hueneme/Point Mugu CA. That is on the coast, north of Malibu, CA. I used to be stationed there and know for a fact that the Public Affairs offices on the base used to use color classics around the 92-94 time frame. I don't know how easy it is for civilians to get on military installations at this time tho. I doubt that there are very many macs still there, but you never know. mdh 
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 : 09:27:17
My father-in-law is retired from the Navy so my wife used to have a military ID she could use for the two of us to get onto military bases, but it expired in November. I think she can get a new one issued, but there's a whole bunch of paperwork to go through...Thanks for the info, though!  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hardware Page: |