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 PCMCIA card cage extension
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856 Posts
Posted - 21 Dec 2002 :  14:42:32
I need the exntension that allows the use of the PCMCIA card cage in a PB 5xx


{ candyPunk }
{ Captain of Observation, 68k MLA }
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Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 22 Dec 2002 :  05:35:50
It's probably on the original install disks for the 5x0s, maybe someone else has them.

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
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New Member

87 Posts
Posted - 30 Dec 2002 :  07:24:37
Umm, you are not looking for software, right?

If you need the mechanical extension portion, this part might be a conversion device as well as a mechanical extension thing: http://www.kti.de/right/produkte/museum/manual/pe-520cp.pdf this PDF file hints that there may be some electronics inside the mechanical 'extension' section. If this is so in your case, you will need the portion which is exactly correct. But I may be way off here.

Mac+=4, MacSE=1, MacSE30=1, P400=1, PB520c=1, LCI=-1, LCII=-1, Q605=1, Q650=1, UberQ950=1, PM7500=SQRT(-1).

Edited by - dunbar on 15 Jan 2003 12:39:34

Edited by - dunbar on 15 Jan 2003 12:39:58Go to Top of Page

Full Member

856 Posts
Posted - 11 Jan 2003 :  00:15:19
No, no, I need the software. The card cage module needs an extension

{ candyPunk }
{ Captain of Observation, 68k MLA }
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Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 15 Jan 2003 :  14:31:29
I have what appears to be all of the original floppies that came with the PowerBook 5xx series. Name your price and I'll mail 'em to ya.

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856 Posts
Posted - 16 Jan 2003 :  18:54:53
Could you image them? Are there a lot? What do you want for them?

{ candyPunk }
{ Captain of Observation, 68k MLA }
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Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 17 Jan 2003 :  09:43:26
I have five floppies, all label;led for PowerBooks 520, 520c, 540 and 540c:

Install Me First, Goodies, Disk Tools, Printing & Fonts and Additions.

Right now the only Mac I have that's got a floopy drive in/connected to it is my Plus, and it has not web access nor is it capable of connecting to any of my other macs that do. So, short of buying a USB floppy drive, it would be a lot easier for me to simply drop all five disks in the mail.

How does $8 for the whole deal (shipping included) sound?

666th poster and 666th thread-creator
Mod of the Mac II series Forums
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Full Member

856 Posts
Posted - 17 Jan 2003 :  23:38:27
Works for me. Email me w/ address?

{ candyPunk }
{ Captain of Observation, 68k MLA }
{ 68k Macs liberated: 4}
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Starting Member

21 Posts
Posted - 22 Jan 2003 :  10:28:00
CandyPunk - I had a similar issue with my 540c card cage, and I learned a lot about the nuances of this device.

First, you need to identify the revision code for the model you have. It will be either an A - B or C.

If it is a rev. C you can still download the drivers from Apple (although Apple is pushing its 68K support further and further into oblivion). The link for the Cage C drivers is:


When the Rev. C Card Cage came out Apple allowed users to trade in their A and B versions for a C at no cost. As a result Apple does not provide links to the previous version of drivers. The main difference between the A-B and C is compatibility with Apple and other PPC upgrade cards. Additionally, the rev C supports PCMCIA 2.1 standards, so you can use just about any PC card with it. The earlier revisions have some limitations. For example, my rev. B cage will not recognize my Farallon EtherMac PC card (2.1), but will work with my CruseCard Modem (2.0) and Motorola cellular modem (1.0).

Additionally, the original install disks for a 5XX series wont do much good for the PC card cage. The Card Cage was sold as an add-on and came with its own disks.

Let me know if you need the v. 1.0 software (for A and B models). It's no small task finding these drivers - the card cage itself is nearly non-existant.

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