Hi again!, i started a new thread to get some attention :D..
My networkproblem is still there... but now i know that the "network" itself works...I have installed the Dayna SCSI driver, and i can choose my Win2K-AppleTalk-server from the "Chooser" application, and connect to it...
BUT!. i can't use TCP/IP, i can't even set the IP manually not connecting to the DHCP server.. that's realy strange...
if i set a IP manually the other computers on the network can't ping me...
im running a Duo270c on MacOS 7.5.5, btw. does anyone here have the update that makes 7.5.5 ---> 6.0, ???
one more thing... i have another mac, a PowerMac7500, that also has connected to the Win2K appleTalk server... BUT, my PPC7500 and powerbook can't see eachother in the "Chooser" application ("appletalk-browser"), maybe the reason for that is that my PPC7500 runs MacOS 8.0 and the Duo runs 7.5.5 - different versions.. ?
well.. i realy hope someone has a answer to these questions.. and yes, i asked plenty of questions in this message.. but but, answer them if you can.. i would be very gratefull if you guys help me with this!..
Regards Fanskapet!