Ok, here's something that came to me in the shower and i'm running really late for church, so i might not get it all down.Regardless if we do anything with this auction, maybe if we make up some sort of "by-laws" that we can create so everybody knows what they are getting into. Here's so ideas, of course, nothing is carved in stone.
Everyone that agrees to participate in the auction, agrees to a given amount of money, no more and it's even with the rest of the group. (ei, we say that everybody that wants in this auction agrees to $25 each) if we don't get it, we don't get it, that's the name of the game. If it's agreed by the entire group to raise our portion, then the group does it as a whole, to keep the amount even. If we agree to a stated amount that's more than what the auction finishes with, we divide the total evenly.
nobody claims anything til the auction is received and then it's by turn. We radomly draw numbers, first person selects ONE item and then the next person selects ONE item, and so on til everything is gone. Of course, that might seem tedious, but IMHO that would be the ultimate fair way to do it.
We write something up that's as legal as possible, so nobody agrees and then backs out, but if there is an emergency or soemthing, the whole group raises there portion, making sure that no single person is responisble for the missing money.
As far as who does the bidding and recieves the auction, i think that's whoever (1) actualy pays for it (2) or the closest to keep the shipping bill as low as possible, but that means the closest pays for the total. the reason i'm thinking that they should collect and pay for it, the insures that if there is missing funds, there can be a more direct way to fix it.
Ok, these are just some ideas, i'm interested to hear what you all have to say. This auction is cool, but not critical, but i think that if we have a more concrete way of how to do this, then we can keep everybody as happy as possible.
sooo... if you all think i'm on drugs, don't worry, not anymore, it's morning!!!.... j/k.
Sgt. Thelip
Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division
Keeper of the MLA Tracker - mlatracker.dyndns.org