school, as you have never before known itwe have a middle, lower grade high school... i'm going to say that this school is exclusively 8th graders.
these 8th graders are organized into "SuperIntegrated" classes of about 90-120 people, with a few adults per class. in these classes, they do just about everything, sometimes their rotation is different though.
The big "project" of the ear, in fact, the entire focus of the curriculum, is that each group is starting and maintaining it's own country. many many facets of each subject area come into play.
the students do much communication witl iBooks, that have AirPort. but they always must do some communication by hand, and some with formal letterwriting, and always with presentations, gropu discussion, and one on one talking to reach a certain goal, this is English
For Science, basically the students take a peek at the server, take looks at the effects of technology on sticnec, and integrate the tech into their work at school, a person who gives the greatest speaches for everyghing and writes the best letters, but doesn't use the computer for anything, may not get the same grade as a mediocre speaker, but as an excellent communicator elsewhere.
social studies... well THINK... the whole "government simulation" part should ring that bell
Music/drama/art - culture refinement
PE, required by the state...
it is likely that each student would have a "job" or role within the group, and could be "punished" as saw fir if they weren't fulfilling that job
to shake things up a bit, we have weekly daily and quarterly scenarios, which the people would complete, often the scenarios are about things like, war, which the students wouldnt' start on their own, so they need a little push, the students from the 2 "warring" groups would have to work out a solution and then give the results to the leaders of the project (adults and teachers)
oh... math... PURE STATISTICS!!!! and some other miscellenious things with geometry and things... but it all adds lup to the statistics of the country, including spenging, economy and all that.
t he trees that aren't bein used for paper, get used to build the special building that this kind of project would require... any suggestions?
any flaws you see in the program? any thing that i may have forgotten? i'd love to hear it 
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