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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2002 : 20:38:30
My Quadra, the wonderful, the hateful, the loved, the hated, Quadra 840av, the center of so much discussion... it needs healing!I will plug it into the power with a power cord, a power cord that i KNOW is good, i'll turn it on, and then it'll turn it'self off after a few seconds, it just goes, "click, now I'm gone" it wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the funny speaker i put in the drive bay? the one that came out fo the perf 6200. I tried to boot it up without the PRAM battery in it... and now it's just sitting open on the floor, withother computers taking RAM from it... quite a sad thing to see Official 68k videographer |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2002 : 21:59:14
I don't know how a speaker could harm the machine like that. Did you follow static-safe procedures while doing the mod?-------------------------- Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 08 Nov 2002 : 23:52:28
could it be taking too much juice from the psu? i know that's a stretch, bu it's an idea_______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division Keeper of the MLA Tracker - |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 09 Nov 2002 : 15:22:21
hmm... shaggy carpet, socks on, no grounding... maybe there IS a problem there... although i don't think that that's what made the quadra die...maybe it is the speaker because it is pretty different from the one that came with the quadra... although i shouldn't think that that's it because even when the CD drive isn't in, it does the same thing Official 68k videographer |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 09 Nov 2002 : 16:08:58
hmm... shaggy carpet, socks on, no grounding... maybe there IS a problem there... although i don't think that that's what made the quadra die...maybe it is the speaker because it is pretty different from the one that came with the quadra... although i shouldn't think that that's it because even when the CD drive isn't in, it does the same thing Official 68k videographer
have you tried taking out the Performa speaker and just having the 840AV speaker connected? -------------------------- Give your dreams a chance.™ - Apple in the mid '90s Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 10 Nov 2002 : 20:03:09
not yet... but i probably should?Official 68k videographer |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 11 Nov 2002 : 05:29:12
The Peformas all ahd big phat speakers in them. The 840av speaker, although quite sizable, is nowhere near the same impedance. I get this impression, and I could be wrong, that it might be overloading the sound circuitry. Do you get a 'chime' on power-on?-- Mark Benson FlatPackMacs 2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster Holder of the Crowbar of Persistant Crate Opening "Never send a human to do a machine's job" - The Matrix |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 11 Nov 2002 : 08:58:26
I get this impression, and I could be wrong, that it might be overloading the sound circuitry. Do you get a 'chime' on power-on?
Sounds quite plausible to me.jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 11 Nov 2002 : 20:28:51
Often my Q800 does this after I take out the mobo to fiddle with ram and all that. My problem is that the power switch doesn't line up right sometimes, and it gets into funny positions that turn powering on from a routine button pushing to a frustrating excercise in plastics manipulation. My suggestion is to make sure everything is aligned correctly. Oh, wait, the 840av power switch isn't as big as the Q800's. Hmm. Well, try it anyway{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 4} { My baby: Q660av } |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 14 Nov 2002 : 21:56:57
nope, tried that now and I think it's a dead mobo [xx)]:sniffles: now I wonder what will be my 3rd computer to take to AZ? maybe I should go to the RePC and try to get one, or go and liberate a 6500 from a family who I'm sure has one  yeah... a 6500'll do great with my AudioVision 14" monitor  2 subwoofers!!!!!!!!! :) Official 68k videographer |
Junior Member

344 Posts |
Posted - 21 Nov 2002 : 08:22:31
I had something similar happen to my 840 and 800, it was a corroded connector on the psu....try messing with the connectors or someting... my 800 and 840 run fine now. just keep trying to power it up, it should eventually fire.It might be some kind of capacitor problem also. Artillery Commander/Engineer, 68kMLA Liberated: LCII , III+, IIci, Q700, 800, and 840av, P550, 410 Contraband: Beige G3/300 MT o/c 400mhz, (2) 6100's Keeper of the 68kmla Hotline mirror server:

New Member
87 Posts |
Posted - 06 Dec 2002 : 09:14:38
hmm... shaggy carpet, socks on, no grounding... maybe there IS a problem there... although i don't think that that's what made the quadra die...
not likely that socks would act as an insulator, I'd say socks would not allow body charge to develop.quote:
maybe it is the speaker because it is pretty different from the one that came with the quadra... although i shouldn't think that that's it because even when the CD drive isn't in, it does the same thing
Ohms, its all in the ohms. if the original speaker was 32 ohms and the other speaker was 8 or fewer ohms, there is a chance that the driver chip got toasted by the reduced impedance (reduced ohms = reduced impedance). Once the chip is toasted, the chip is forever toasted, no matter which speaker is (or was) used, or even removing the speaker would make no difference. If the chips is toasted, do not leave the system running for very long, or you could damage the printed circuit board as well, especially if the copper conductor is thin/narrow: the thin/narrow PCB conductor could act like a fuse and open itself, and that is usually beyond repair while replacing a chip is more feasable.But that is not all..... When you put in the speaker.... didja have to disconnect the power supply or any other connectors? Sometimes these get reassembled incorrectly; you know, off by one contact or bent one pin into a neighbor pin. Been there, done this, even after 25 years in electronics. Does the mobo use a CUDA reset switch? Maybe something is pressing on it? Missing a fan connection? sometimes the systems are smart enough to look for fans to be connected, and would decide to shutdown if there was no fan..... Keep plugging. Linux is my choice. Mac was my guide. M$ is not my friend. |