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 Did I kill my Duo 230?
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Starting Member

18 Posts
Posted - 26 Dec 2001 :  16:32:11
I read on these forums about a help document on Apple's web site that might fix the battery not holding a charge. Basically, you hold the reset button on the back for a while and it does something. (Whatever it does, it kills the RAM disk.)

So I let it charge all night, and I tried it a min. ago. It awoke from sleep but lost charge really, really quick. So I put it to sleep and did the reset button thing again. When I pushed the power button it played a short tune that I have never heard in connection with a Mac. Now it wont start up.

Any clues on what I did? Will it ever come back to life?

Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander

637 Posts
Posted - 27 Dec 2001 :  00:11:54
Tech Info Article 14449: Power Manager Reset

From what it sounds like, you were resetting the Power Manager on the Duo correctly.

The short tune, did it sound like 8 distinctively different notes played, sounding like it came from a n electronic piano (kind of electronicy)? If so, that is called the Chimes of Doom. It is a signification that there is something seriously wrong with your Powerbook.

You also mentioned the battery losing charge very quickly. This is a sign that regardless of Power Management reset, the battery is dead.

Fix tips: First off, leave the battery out of it overnight and put the battery in and let it charge again over the next night. Try starting up with the power adapter still plugged in. You may want to try restarting a few times if you continue to get the chimes.

If you are at least getting a startup chime or chimes of doom, then you are not completely dead. If you have no tones but the screen comes on, the RAM/motherboard/processor/hard drive could be dead (Happened to my 180c).

(Guys help out here for computer resurrection help...)

Captain Z - Sniper
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