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856 Posts |
Posted - 23 Dec 2001 : 15:05:39
My post seems to be pretty far down on the page, so I'll restate everything that's up for dealing.I have: *LCIII *LCII *Mac IIsi *A pair of Apple IIGS's (one w/ memory upgrade) *Q800 mobo *Q610 mobo *Centris 610 sans CD drive, floppy drive, hard drive (hehe) *80 pin 1 gig scsi HD *About ten 2-device scsi ribbons *About ten 2-device IDE ribbons *2 adb keyboards (IIGS style) *2 adb mice *Assorted NES games *5 NES Systems *Internal 800k disk drive I need: *Power supply for Q8xx/PM8100 *Motherboard power cable for Q800 and/or Q840av *Case for Q800 and/or Q840av -- Is the 840av case just an 800 case w/ rca in/out? If so, that would be ideal as it would fit both *50 pin scsi HD (700 megs+) *Sonnet crescendo Nubus G3 upgrade *Multisync monitor (800x600+) *Cash Make offers of trades or cash. If no one wants the macs, they're going to a charitable organization. I want to get rid of those adb things + ribbons. I have no use for the mobos, they came with other stuff. I know you guys want them. I'll do cash and trade for some of the expensive things I wanted. Monitors are heavy - you pay shipping and I'll cover the cost with the things I have to trade. Or we can work some deal for partial costs. I'm flexible. I want to make deals. Let's get trading! { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av }
Edited by - candyPunk on 23 Dec 2001 15:21:07 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 23 Dec 2001 : 23:09:12
Ok does ether LC have a ethernet card? How mucg for a IIgs? What NES games do u have and how much? Hmmm that 1gig scsi would be perfect for the 68kmla server hmmmm price??????? how much for q800? An ADB mouse? Thanksjeremy "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" Napolean My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops N.F.C Newton Force Captain 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 00:25:33
Make offers! The LCs and IIsi do not have ethernet cards. The HD would be perfect, if you have an adapter. Oh, something I should have thought of earlier: If you get any of the motherboards I'll give you a scsi ribbon, and if you get any of the macs, I'll throw one in too if you want to pull a "hackintosh" with a drive hanging out the back of the machine. I'll compile a list of NES games and get it up here one of these days. I don't think there are any ultra-rare, can't-put-them-down classics, but there could be a few goodies in the box. { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } Edited by - candyPunk on 24 Dec 2001 00:27:15 |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 25 Dec 2001 : 14:41:54
Eh, here are some possible prices. OBO is not implied, it's stated. Everything plus S+H*LCIII - $12.50 *LCII - $10 *Mac IIsi - $10 *Apple IIGS - $5 each *Q800 mobo - $7.50 *Q610 mobo - $5 *Centris 610 - $7.50 *80 pin 1 gig scsi HD - $3.50 *About ten 2-device scsi ribbons - ANYTHING *About ten 2-device IDE ribbons - ANYTHING *2 adb keyboards (IIGS style) - ANYTHING *2 adb mice - ANYTHING *Assorted NES games - I'll make a list *5 NES Systems - $40 no games, more with *Internal 800k disk drive - $3 { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 28 Dec 2001 : 20:37:15
OK, the Mac IIsi and one of the IIGS's are taken, along with an adb mouse and keyboard and the 80 pin HD. Another keyboard may be taken as well. Everything else is still up for grabs, if I am not mistaken. Wait...TiMac, how many mice did you want? Ehhh I'll email him about that, but otherwise that's the situation.{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jan 2002 : 20:04:48
Uh, yeah, I'm just sort of posting this so it gets back to the top of the page. I've got a bunch of stuff, people! Both keyboards taken, BTW.{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jan 2002 : 23:34:15
I will have the money around next week its ben a hard month im dry from Christmas, New Years, And MacWorld. I'll email you next week. Thanks!jeremy "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" Napolean My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops N.F.C Newton Force Captain 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jan 2002 : 17:31:13
Once again catapulting this thread to the top...don't mind me... I've got the power supply and casing covered now. { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } Edited by - candyPunk on 19 Jan 2002 17:31:51 |