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Hemant Kamat
Starting Member
22 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2002 : 03:21:58
Hey People, I found a CD lying with a former Mac reseller. It's got around 700MB of serious 68k stuff - ADOBE(Photoshop 4, PageMaker 6.5, Persuassion, ...), WordPerfect, Strata MM Suite, Ray Dream Studio 4, MiniCAD 6, and a lot more. These are full version installers btw. If any o' you 68k fanatics would like a copy, I can mail it across, a.k.a if ur prepared to foot the shipping (should be $5.00 - $7.00). |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2002 : 09:08:13
I'd love it. Do you have paypal?{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
911 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2002 : 10:22:45
I am sorry. This is blantantly illegal.This post will be locked and deleted as soon as time permits. Please refrain from posting in this thread until then. The mods are in discussion currently about how to deal with software in regards to copyright. I imagine that there will be a good amount of public discussion as well. from this point forward: Software, when sold ALONE in the Trading Post, must come complete with Liscence information. It IS legal to sell software you have previously purchased as long as you send the Liscence with it. This particular offer cannot be condoned. ~Chaplain Marchie Admin of The WonderLAN ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
Canary Islands
66 Posts |
Posted - 25 Oct 2002 : 10:26:22
Ball and Chained.~Marchie |