<Troy McLure>
Hi, I'm Clinton Crawford, you may remember me from such heated debates as topic "Should I be demoted". Today I am here to introduce myself to y'all after 3 months of posting here.
</Troy McLure>well, some of y'all know me from the Applefritter forums, I also go by Clinton there. I am the proud owner of 2 Macintosh Pluses, a Macintosh Classic II, a Macintosh Quadra 650, a Newton MessagePad 2000, a Power Macintosh 8600/300, a Macintosh 512KE, an Apple //e (Original, not platinum) with 2 Disk // drives, and a Monitor //e (not the Monitor /// that shipped with a lot of //es computers). I also have an original stock configuration IBM XT with the original ST506 Hard Drive that consumes 5 amps and sounds like a jet taking off when it spins up.
Well, Enough about my computers, now about me...
I live in San Pedro, California, near the Port of Los Angeles, and at the end of the 110 freeway. I go to High School, and work as part of the tech squad, and frantically trying to beat Warcraft III on a Power Macintosh G4 MP. I collect old mac periphery, the more unusal the better, I am trying to find someone to ask to prom, and trying to find a Cadillac Limo to convey me to said prom. I listen to techno/trance/dance music, the more upbeat the better (if music does not have a dancing beat, it is not worth listening to, IMHO) I am a conservative person in my clothing, and I try to be a good student, though sometimes with limited success. I have NO way with women, and thus am having trouble finding a date for said prom. I will be a member of the 100th class to graduate from my school, and thus we get special honors. All in all, this is a boring life I lead, Plesant valley in status symbol land :)
OK, Questions? Comments?
Feedback is appreciated
Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant)
Guardian of Obsolete Equipment
68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, and a Quadra 650
Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, and a PM 8600/300
Apple // series rescued: Apple //e