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Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2002 : 16:30:10
Once, I would have said that my LC630 had the worst case to work on/in, along with the 8100, for different reasons. the 630 is all metal and screws and slice-finger-omatic, and the 8100 cos of its painful motherboard access, but nothing comes anywhere near a 6400!. omg!. It's build like a tank and could survive being airdropped I think, but as for getting to the real innards, it's -ICK-. Granted, most people wouldn't pull one to bits just to give it a bit of a dusting, but I'm not most people *grin*. floppy/HD/motherboard access is all pretty simple, which is coolies. The rest though, is a bit like the puzzle in Hellraiser. You might solve it given enough time, but all it leads to is more torture in the end - putting the thing back together! Looks nicer together, thas' for sure! dana Quadra 605 Obsessions
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2002 : 16:35:11
I've never been inside a 6400, but I have seen the insides of a 630, and wanted to make no attempt to go any further without gauntlets. As for the 8100, it's the same as my 840av, which is to say it just plain sucks. Possibly the worst placement of a "removable" computer mobo in history. I'm dreading the day I finally upgrade it to 2MB of VRAM.  Best case to work in is, of course, the LC 475/Quadra 605. But, you already knew that! Next best is the IIci. Once you remove the pesky drive shelf, it's like working with a shoebox! 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server: Edited by - cinemafia on 11 Oct 2002 16:37:24
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2002 : 16:55:29
Next best is the IIci. Once you remove the pesky drive shelf, it's like working with a shoebox!
Hell yes, just like the Mac II/IIx/IIfx case.i love working on LCs though...everything about them, from the case design, to the way the logic board is laid out, is just plain SIMPLE. I also like the (here i go again...) LC/Performa 5xx case, and the 5xxx series Performa case. the logic board is a piece of cake to access, and once you kill your fingers getting that stupid front panel off on the 5xxx case, the CD ROM and floppy bays are also super-easy to access. The front panel on the 5xx case can be a bit of a bear too, seeing as though its super-easy to break the stupid little clippy thing that holds the bezel on. I, for one, have also worked on a 6400 recently. Even the front panel was being a PITA. i had to try several times before I could get it to go on correctly. -------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Full Member
543 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2002 : 16:58:10
I've never been inside a 6400, but I have seen the insides of a 630, and wanted to make no attempt to go any further without gauntlets. As for the 8100, it's the same as my 840av, which is to say it just plain sucks. Possibly the worst placement of a "removable" computer mobo in history. I'm dreading the day I finally upgrade it to 2MB of VRAM.  Best case to work in is, of course, the LC 475/Quadra 605. But, you already knew that! Next best is the IIci. Once you remove the pesky drive shelf, it's like working with a shoebox!
The Mac IIx/fx case was no slouch in the ease of use department either. I think the tray for the drives is easier to remove than the cx/ci plastic gizmo. I've been bitten more times by that blasted ci PSU than any 630 box. That hold the lever/pull straight up-kinda-almost but not quite exactly straight-gotta do it just right to unwedge it without a freakin' handle-PSU Drive latch contraption is one piece of Dumb@$$ engineering.  After hearing about the 8100/840av nightmare, I'm glad I got a Radius 81/110!  
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 11 Oct 2002 : 17:00:41
One thing I hate about delving that deep into a 630 is how easy it is to drop screws down into the case - and then how hard it is to remove them from their little nooks and crannies....magnetised screwdriver to da rescue!!!!!!!  -------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6