My javascript is a bit rusty, as I only bothered learning it for one or two small jobs as I prefer to use perl. However if I remember rightly you want a function attached to the button with a line something like thisparent.header.document.location.href = linkURL
where header is the name of the target frame and linkURL is the address of the page you want to go to.
Unfortunately I can't remembed much more than that off hand. However if you go take a look at where I was the webmaster/in house design/ IT stuff etc etc, for some time (Don't ask I really don't want to talk about the things that went on there
) and you look at the code for the menu bar. It was originally based on freely available code (webmonkey I think) but I modified it extensivley to deal with multiple frames. I needed it to set the pages that would appear in two seperate frames you click on a link in the menu bar. However because the header frame contains a looping flash movie I only wanted that to be set when you moved in to a different section on the site. For instance if you are looking at a page in the library section and move to another page in the library section the header stays the same. But if you move to a page in the membershipi section the header does change.
It'll make more sense if you have a quick play and there is at least one function in there that will do what you want feel free to copy any of the code.
And no I am not responsible for the design, yuck... I spent most of my time fixing botched dreamweaver code and replacing crappy flash navigation. and you can blame the secretary who is trying to take it over for the botched bits e.g. images not aligned properlly on the front page, god I'm so glad I don't have to deal with them, much.....
Edited by - gothikon on 03 Oct 2002 04:06:08