YES!!!!!!!! AT LAST!!!!!!!In case you're wondering whats going on, i am typing this from my LC630! 
At last, i have one of my 68ks on the internet. I've been waiting for this since grade 7 (about 4 years ago), and at 0915 Saturday 15th of December 2001, it happened. And i love it. My config is:
33Mhz 680LC40 (this baby runs like a dream without the FPU, thankyouverymuch)
36 megs of ram
250 meg hd (soon to be 6 gig)
4x internal AppleCD 600i
10BaseT Ethernet LC PDS card
Video system
GV Teleport Gold II Geoport modem
Mac OS 8.1
Netscape Navigator 4
Performance wise, its pretty nice. The 14.4 kbps modem is a bit slow, but its just cool to have a 68k on the net.
Soo cool!!! I got my 630 on the net. Boy, this thing is just getting cooler and cooler!
But whatever, its just so great to finally be posting to a 68k forum using a 68k.

[evil grin]
Go LCs!!!!!!!!!!
Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!!
Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
Number of 68ks Liberated: 5
P.S. Even Hotmail works! 
Edited by - maclover5 on 14 Dec 2001 16:48:57