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631 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 16:45:18
I was checking out SlashDot, as per my usual routine, and they're running a link to an article about a PC-nerd who managed to get around 37 seperate OS's running on an x86 box. Here's a link to the origional article:,23102,3399433,00.html Anyway, of course, the moment I saw this, I wondered how many OS's we could get running on a Mac, either 68k or PPC. With some support from you cool folks, I'd be sorely tempted to actually try and see, using either HAL-9000, my Quadra 950, or one of my various PowerMac/Performa's. What different systems could we/I get running? For starters (just off the top of my head), MacOS 6.x-9.x (and possibly OS X, via XPostFacto), some Linux's, BeOS, several flavors of UN*X, NeXTStep, and... um... I dunno, maybe some x86-based systems, through emulation, like SoftWindows, or MacBochs... Hell, we could count all sorts of other antique systems, like Apple II's, TRS-80's, etc., with one of the PowerMacs and some good emulators, or even on HAL, if we can find older versions of the emulators! That would rock... Any suggestions? I'd love to show the world that we Mac users can compete, even in such a (more or less) silly compitition. <Insert gruff army sergant voice here> It's gonna be hard! We're gonna have to dig in, struggle, fight for every damn OS we can squeeze into that old box! Our enemies are time, money, lack of junk-food, and boredom, not to mention legions of PC-weenies who'll say it can't be done! Are we gonna listen?! Are we just gonna roll over and play dead, while they get all the glory?! NO!!! We're gonna kick their asses, with only one mouse button for every three of theirs! Are you with me?! ARE YOU WITH ME?!?
YEEEEEE-HAAAAAAAA Company HALT! Aboooooout FACE! FORWARD-CLICK! SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" Edited by - SpaceBoy on 26 Sep 2002 16:53:41 |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 17:13:20
Why would anyone want to do that? really i mean...-Danny Forum: "Windows(win-doze): A 32-bit extension to a 16-bit graphical shell of an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit processor by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition." |
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 17:13:58
Spaceboy! I'm with you.I'll even donate my Centris 650 to the project We should discuss this over lunch. I am free from 11 until 1pm. 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1 |
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 17:19:24
GRRR. Let me clarify, let us discuss this over lunch tomorrow. (Sorry, I had a reference q and got distracted.) 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1
2899 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 17:31:13
Oberon?jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 19:10:28
HEY!!! you forgot the BEST Operating system ever!!! Rhapsody Although i've never used it, what could be better than an OSx like system, that uses the platinum look???Official 68k videographer |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 21:12:32
quote: We should discuss this over lunch. I am free from 11 until 1pm.
You bet! I'm not sure about tomorrow, as I may (or may not...) be meeting a friend for lunch, right around that time. If that doesn't happen, I'll hop down to 2nd floor and see if you're around (say around 12 noon), or otherwise try again early next week... :-) quote: HEY!!! you forgot the BEST Operating system ever!!! Rhapsody
Good thinking! I need more ideas like this, and (even more importantly) good links/ideas as to where to find such software to buy/trade/beg/download/stea-, err, borrow. Keep the ideas rolling in! :-) SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 : 21:14:24
Oh, one more thing: quote: Why would anyone want to do that? really i mean...
Well, the short answer is because we can!, and the long answer is that, if you really need to ask, then you prob. won't ever 'get' it at all. Sorry! ;-) SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 27 Sep 2002 : 16:46:15
I've been thinking and from the mac end of things we may not be able to get all of the OSes on one box unless we can find more emulators than you beat with a stick.The reason for this is that Apple underwent the processor archetecure change, while the X86 platform has remained essentially the same. I mean, I can probably get my 'puter to boot into DOS 3 or something similarly ancient. (Goodness knows the DOS 6.22 boot disk hath saved my bacon on several occasions.) The big drawback would be getting little enough ram to do it. If I could find a copy of cp/m on 3.5 floppy disks, I could probably get that to boot, too. But ... Apple switched from cisc to risc processors and that makes for some radical changes in the code, plus the roms on the various motherboards of apples limit which Mac OS they can boot into. Because of that we may have to break this project into 2 halves: a 68k OS box and a PPC box. 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 27 Sep 2002 : 16:55:15
quote: Because of that we may have to break this project into 2 halves: a 68k OS box and a PPC box.
Good thinking- this occured to me as I was falling asleep last night. Because of this, maybe someone with a Quadra 840av might want to take over the 68k-end of this challange, just for the sake of having the most raw horse-power in the box. On the other hand, with a bunch of OS's running, having enough disk space will be a priority, and that's one area the Quadra 950 excels at... As for the PPC end, I'm still more then willing to work with my PowerMac 6500, which should meet the specs for plenty of OS's, like BeOS, Linux, and (maybe...) even OS X. I'll look into this over the weekend. Any and all ideas are welcome as always! SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 27 Sep 2002 : 17:41:35
Any and all ideas are welcome as always!
Using a MicroQuadra with the IIe card should give you a couple of extra OS's, will CPM run on one of those or did you need to use a card in a real IIe? You might really need to do a // and/or a IIgs, there were at least two more generations of architectures/CPU generations right there and there was also the Lisa and Apple III. There was a 'nix that ran on the IIgs that I linked to somewhere in the nixie forum too.jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 28 Sep 2002 : 09:41:55
You'll have to decided if it counts or not but if you use a PPC you can run a newer version of VPC on you could run all the DOS and Windows versions he used and possibly some of the other distros of linux/unix/misc stuff. It would give macs quite an edge since there arent really any PPC emulators for Windows.
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 28 Sep 2002 : 11:14:26
yeah, technically, you can probably run all 37 of those oses that the pc user did on vpc, granted you have disk space, etc. there's also the dos pds cards. I also thought that the early ppcs chips emulated 68k code, for example, that's why the x100s performed slower than the 840av was due to the fact that they were emulating the 68k code for the nubus slot(s). I might not be correct, i just woke up and i'm not with the program yet. _______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division Keeper of the MLA Tracker - |
Starting Member
United Kingdom
26 Posts |
Posted - 28 Sep 2002 : 15:32:38
actually if you used a 68k emulator on a pc you could run all the versions of windows and almost everything a real 68k can, as opposed to 68ks, which only has emulators for up to windows 3.1 iifc. but on the other hand, no die hard pc user would run a mac emulator on a pc, so the race is still fair. now that i think about it, ignore this post entirely. except the bit about the exploding irish, it is my duty to ask stupid questions. (macs liberated:3 (well, its only been 2 months....) |
Junior Member

394 Posts |
Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 10:16:00
If you have a PPC, you can run Linux, and also Mac OS X inside (!) Linux: <> and therein VPC, Windoze (various), and DOS (go to the screen shots and scroll down to the last one). (Saw this in a DealMac Forum thread.) /Mr Lynn Curator of: SE (6.0.4), SE w. 020 accelerator (6.0.8), SE w. no HD, IIfx (7.1), IIci (bad HD); plus various PPCs in family (blue G3/350 is main Mac these days). |
Junior Member

217 Posts |
Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 18:07:22
It can be done!. I'm not sure if it counts but I had about 15 OS's running last night. Mac OS 9.2.2 used about 30mb and the 14 Vic 20 emulators took up about 4mbs or RAM!, all together. Vic 20 is the Commodore system prior to Commodore 64 built around 1980. Who says that it has to be 37 different OS's???.------------------ Mac SE 4/40 Mac Classic II 4/40 Mac IIx 8/160 Mac IIvi 8/260 Mac Quadra 650 32/260 Mac Quadra 650 64/350 via basilisk II iMac 333 How you like d'em apples?! |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 00:54:47
Well, the first thing I'd need to think about is pretty basic: If I'm gonna try something like this, I'm gonna need more disk space then I've got at the moment. My (rough) plan is to upgrade the 2.5" 20-gig drive in my PowerBook G4 to 30 or 40 gigs (or 60, if BillG cares to chip in), and then (after copying all my files over to the new drive) using the 'old' 20-gig in my PowerMac 6500, which will be the base computer for the experiment. I know, I know, desktop Mac's take 3.5" drives, but I've already bought a 2.5-to-3.5-inch-drive-converter-thingie on eBay, which (in theory) will allow me to use the 20 gigs in the 6500. Whew. If that don't work, I should be able to drop a little change on a 'new' 3.5" drive (20-to-40 gig range) for the 6500, but I'm hoping that my scheme will work out. Of course, I'll keep you folks posted! :-) SpaceBoy AppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD"