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 Macs in movies?
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700 Posts
Posted - 23 Sep 2002 :  19:09:30
the "Presidential 68k" thread made me think of this, but if you know of macs in movies, have at it.

Movies I know of off the top of me head:

Crocodile Dundee in LA:
Fruity iBook, PM G4 tower, iMac DV etc.

Various Powerbooks (one apparantly with a Pentium Pro Chip) and a //GS or a Mac II something

The Net:
Mac IIs of various origins.

anyway, who else can think of movies and where macs appear

Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced Leftennant)
Guardian of Obsolete Equipment
68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, and a Quadra 650
Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, and a PM 8600/300
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Full Member

713 Posts
Posted - 23 Sep 2002 :  19:26:29
Jurassic Park (Q700 with A/UX)
This was where the conversation with the dock was shown.

"It's a UNIX system. I know this!"
That's an SGI. The filesystem browser is fsn (pronounced fusion): see http://www.sgi.com/fun/freeware/3d_navigator.html

Forrest Gump: Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some fruit company

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Senior Member

1627 Posts
Posted - 23 Sep 2002 :  20:21:54
The startrek movie with the mac plus!!!!
The movie "Legaly blonde" she goes to a applestore and gets a ibook (clambshell) and everyone else in the class has PC laptops!!!

"Windows(win-doze): A 32-bit extension to a 16-bit graphical shell of an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit processor by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition."Go to Top of Page

68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 23 Sep 2002 :  20:36:51
iThink that BatMan had a Twentieth Anniversary Macintosh (only the second expensive mac ever... second to the AppleNetworkServer 500&700)

I believe that there were PowerBook 5300 & PM 7100s in Independence day

My math book has... the MOST stupid picture ever!! it's some kids in front of a C/Q610 with a IIci sitting vertical next to and the C610 has a HUGEA$$ not apple monitor on it

another pic has just a IIci, sittine vert.
and one more count of a IIci

(we have the Integrated 2.0 math books from McDougal littell, theyre the 10th grade book (i'm really in 9th grade though :))

lemme think... most cartoons have iMacs... iThink that Dexter's lab has one...

Many Many movies with schools have PM5x00s and some 6x00s

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Full Member

729 Posts
Posted - 23 Sep 2002 :  21:21:40
ohhhh.... i guess i should share this little bit of personal info of myself, although i will regret it. My friend and i do nothing durning movies but identify apple computers. You would be surprised how many times in movies that macs appear not to mention macs with windows interfaces... it's fun, but well.... quite nerdy and i can't be seen in public anymore.

Sgt. Thelip
Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division
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Full Member

631 Posts
Posted - 23 Sep 2002 :  21:53:03
I just saw "One Hour Photo" this weekend, and one of the main charactors, the dad in the "Yorkin" family, runs his business on Macs, and there are several scenes where he's working at home on his big 22" Cinema Display! Couldn't see what Mac it was hooked to, but I had a vauge glimpse of what might have been a G4 Cube, but I wasn't sure... Anyway, the camera focuses on his work at least once, for a long moment- you can see him working on a 3-D model of a red chair, which is rotating around. I couldn't tell what program he was using, but it was clearly OS X. Cool! This was one of the best parts of an otherwise semi-lame movie.
Oh, and in the scene where Mr. Yorkin goes to the store, and runs into Robin Williams charactor, he's trying to get help buying some sort of cable/adapter- he's trying to find one that will work on a Mac! Again, pretty cool, to see this as part of the script, and not just background scenery, as is usually the case with Macs in movies.
Okay, gotta study...
PS Also, who can forget when Jeff Goldblum saved the world in ID4, on his powerbook! Also, he seemed to have a mini-disc drive for it... droool.... :-)

As of 4/8/02:
TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine"
PB 1400/133, "KayPro II"
PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1"
PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800"
Quadra 950, "HAL 9000"
iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue"
Newton 120, "PADD"Go to Top of Page

Full Member

554 Posts
Posted - 24 Sep 2002 :  06:51:56
Mission: Impossible - PB 520c or 540c
Mission: Impossible 2 - PB G3
Independence Day - also had either Duo's or 500 series machines (didn't get a good look)
Office Space - wacked out PC/Mac interface with Apple Extended Keyboard and Apple Destkop Bus Mouse II.
A view to kill - Apple IIgs

all i can think of as of now in the way of movies, but VIP the show with Pam Anderson has macs every 3.2 seconds.


Jurassic Park (Q700 with A/UX)
This was where the conversation with the dock was shown.

Actually there were Q700s all over the control room..... That movie got me obsessed with them.

foetoid, that's (fee-toy-d)

Edited by - foetoid on 24 Sep 2002 06:55:03Go to Top of Page

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 24 Sep 2002 :  07:06:47
ID4: PowerBook 5300 (duh!), Pizzabox LCs, Mac II/IIx/IIfxs, Mac IIvi/vx/Centris/Quadra 650/PM 7100

Jurassic Park 1: Quadra 700

What Women Want: PowerBook G3

The Net: PB 540c, PB Duo 280c, PM7100, Mac IIvx

American Pie: PowerMac G3 Beige Desktop and Minitower

American Pie 2: Beige PowerMac G3 Desktop


"I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown

Warrior maclover5
68k Macintosh Liberation Army

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Junior Member

113 Posts
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 :  17:12:11
The Saint
Val Kilmer has a powerbook 5300 (I think) that he uses constantly to save the world and pick up chicks

Bringin Out the Dead
In a scene where a dealer hands Nicolas Cage some drugs all you see are two hands, some drugs, and a closed powerbook 1400.

Two idiots smash a tangerine iMac because they were told that the secret files where "inside" the computer. They also beat it with a bone; an obscure reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey


68K Macs Liberated: LC, Performa 636, Mac Classic II
My Powerbook 1400 page http://www.its.caltech.edu/~dgoulet/1400Go to Top of Page

Junior Member

147 Posts
Posted - 26 Sep 2002 :  18:53:37
All About The Boy (came out eariler this year) = G4 Cube

zoolander = Tangerine iMac (that got smashed in the movie!!!)

I believe there were a few others in zoolander but I dont remember.

Austin Powers goldmember: Powerbook G4 :)

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