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Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 13:40:39
Yesterday was my 24th birthday!!! My wife and I went out Saturday night to celebrate and had a grand 'ol time...if you want, you can read about it on my Blog, as the full details are a little lengthy. Suffice to say we got sushi and sake and danced the night into oblivion...
666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
2899 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 13:58:47
Congrats, 'mo! *motions for comrades to sneak behind cinemo for birthday spanks . . . *jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 15:01:57
Hey Congrats Cine!*slowly slinks off to the cake & drinks as others give best wishes...* ~The Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. | <-- Official Hotline Server | |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 15:24:19
discos his way around the room666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 15:29:33
Happy birthday Cinemo!  -------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 15:38:37
Ah 24 is a good age. First you look forward to 16 (Driver license), next is 18 (leagle adulthood), then 21 ( bars & clubs ). 24 though is great because now you reached the age where most car rental places require it as a minumum, you're only a year away from the insurance going down. It's all cool. Happy birthday Cinemo"One slip and down the hole we fall" Check out the new forum on the block at: |
Starting Member
45 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 16:37:01
quote:'re only a year away from the insurance going down.
I didn't know about that one ahead of time... and MAN, it was the best birthday present I ever got! :D Happy b-day, Cine! 
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 17:34:24
Well, happy birthday! I hope you promised the bartender enough to not ask for ID, because I left it in my other pants...  Ah, just wait till February!  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 16 Sep 2002 : 18:37:16
 damn I'm tired...we're up to nearly 1900 calls today...  This new job was great for the first couple weeks, now it's a handful!! 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2002 : 19:59:34
Yesterday was my 24th birthday!!! My wife and I went out Saturday night to celebrate and had a grand 'ol time...if you want, you can read about it on my Blog, as the full details are a little lengthy. Suffice to say we got sushi and sake and danced the night into oblivion...
::Thud:: Y'know, I see photos of the Cinewife and the Cinekidlet, not to mention the Cinehome, and I feel comforted knowing that there are folks my age (and possibly a little older, 30 something) on this forum and I read posts like this and realize that Cinemafia's several years younger. I suddenly feel very old and grey. I mean, Space Boy's a wee babe in the woods and Cinemafia's younger than I and has a kidlet old enough to talk in complete sentences. ~sigh~ I'm glad you had a good party. 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 17 Sep 2002 : 20:28:07
.ME turns 15 next february... anything special (other than PBg4) happen @ 15 yrs? happy B.Day cine! Official 68k videographer |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 00:07:54
quote: damn I'm tired...we're up to nearly 1900 calls today... This new job was great for the first couple weeks, now it's a handful!!
Take care cine. You can work too much, especially with having a family. "do what makes you successful, not just what others expect you to do." a quote which you may or may not find usefull. shaktiman Quadra 840av 128MB ram 2MB vram cd drive(caddy),1 caddy!:-)1.44 floppy drive,inject :-(1.2 gig drive 2 monitors 15" & 14" os 8.1 56k modem Stylewriter 1200 Zodiac speakers Umax 1220s scanner 3 year old son! |
Junior Member

196 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 04:30:25
I suddenly feel very old and grey. I mean, Space Boy's a wee babe in the woods and Cinemafia's younger than I and has a kidlet old enough to talk in complete sentences.
I did the math and I know the feeling. I would have been in the second week of my Senior year of High School when he was born (about the same age as some of the youngest 68kMLA members). In my world, that makes me old enough to be his father. :|<<<john>>> |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 06:01:19
I suddenly feel very old and grey. I mean, Space Boy's a wee babe in the woods and Cinemafia's younger than I and has a kidlet old enough to talk in complete sentences.
I did the math and I know the feeling. I would have been in the second week of my Senior year of High School when he was born (about the same age as some of the youngest 68kMLA members). In my world, that makes me old enough to be his father. :|
Quit complaining . . . at least you don't need to apply a bus multipler!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 06:19:42
... bus multiplier>>>Quiet you whipper snappers! Have some respect for us who remember using IIe's when they were the hot new thing on the market. Who remember Commidore 64 ads when they ran on TV. --- But in all Seriousness, sake, sushi and dancing ... I think we may all have to invite Cine to our Bday parties (or at least get invited to his) -- he knows how to have a great time! 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1 |
Junior Member

176 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 06:41:47
Who remembers Commodore 64 ads when they ran on TV.
Thanks for reminding me how old I am...I remember spending an entire night writing a game on a VIC-20 only to have the durn thing eat the datasette!
------------------ MacMoose Benevolent Genius, 68k MLA Total 68K Macs liberated: 22 and counting ------------------
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 06:43:19
quote: I suddenly feel very old and grey
I know what you mean. but age is largly relative. I remember c64 ads. shaktiman Quadra 840av 128MB ram 2MB vram cd drive(caddy),1 caddy!:-)1.44 floppy drive,inject :-(1.2 gig drive 2 monitors 15" & 14" os 8.1 56k modem Stylewriter 1200 Zodiac speakers Umax 1220s scanner 3 year old son! |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 07:34:45
... bus multiplier>>>Quiet you whipper snappers! Have some respect for us who remember using IIe's when they were the hot new thing on the market. Who remembers Commodore 64 ads when they ran on TV.
whipper snappers!HAR!™  :rolleyes: ...bus multiplier>>>= 2x  Biological Processing Unit still working at feverish pitch . . . thruput hampered by saturated system bus . . . slow main memory/wait states commonly impede overall performance . . . system assembled/released same year TI built the first silicon transistor (and the first transistor radio shipped ). ROFLMAO!!!!!!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 12:15:34
quote: I did the math and I know the feeling. I would have been in the second week of my Senior year of High School when he was born (about the same age as some of the youngest 68kMLA members). In my world, that makes me old enough to be his father.

quote: But in all Seriousness, sake, sushi and dancing ... I think we may all have to invite Cine to our Bday parties (or at least get invited to his) -- he knows how to have a great time!
Not just sake, Sake Bombs*!!!  *sake bomb = 16-24 ounces of Sapporo + 1 ounce hot sake ingested as quickly as humanly possible
666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 18 Sep 2002 : 23:28:18
Sake Bomb, ah, a wonderful thing how quick is humanly possible for you?I know someone who can drain a glass of draft beer in three seconds did you do any depth charges*? BTW, Japanese beers are fairly good, I personally like kirin sorry for the fragmwntation of this message, I am not quite all here right now, I let my mind wander, and it did not come back. *deph charge=shot of <insert favourite spirit here> dropped into a glass of draft beer, the liquor stays in the shot, but when you drink it, it goes down in a way you cannot taste it, it is a way of a) playing a prank on someone, or B) getting blasted really bloody fast. YAY!!! 1 star!! I am no longer a junior member! Lieutennant Commander (Pronounced LEFTENNANT, dangitt) Protector of the abandonned toastermacs 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, and a Quadra 650 Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, and a PowerMac 8600/300 Edited by - Clinton on 18 Sep 2002 23:35:53
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 19 Sep 2002 : 05:13:46
Happy Birthday!-Danny "Windows(win-doze): A 32-bit extension to a 16-bit graphical shell of an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit processor by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition." |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 19 Sep 2002 : 11:53:00
quote: *deph charge=shot of <insert favourite spirit here> dropped into a glass of draft beer, the liquor stays in the shot, but when you drink it, it goes down in a way you cannot taste it, it is a way of a) playing a prank on someone, or B) getting blasted really bloody fast.
Yep, the sake bomb is identical, only with sake and Sapporo, of course! 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Full Member
936 Posts |
Posted - 19 Sep 2002 : 15:32:39
Happy birthday! Damn that sucks about work. I'm reading your Blorg page. Well, happy birthday anyway!_________________ Leutennant SCCHICAGO Website(closed): Forum: |
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 19 Sep 2002 : 21:35:02
Heh, it'd be better with japanese beer, methinks. I like kirin, I also like orential restaraunts where the people don't notice that when one person orders a large kirin with 3 glasses, and one of the three persons at the table is a minor  they just kept coming by and filling me up  cheers CCCLieutennant Commander (Pronounced LEFTENNANT, dangitt) Protector of the abandonned toastermacs 68k Macs Rescued: 2 Pluses, a 512KE, a Classic II, and a Quadra 650 Contraband rescued: Power Computing PowerBase 200, and a PowerMac 8600/300 |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 14:19:52
Hey! I finally got one of the pics taken at my alleged "birthday party" back from the guy who brought a disposable cam. I scanned it and placed it on my server, here.P.S. - I'm the guy with the crazy look on his face way over at the left. My wife's coworkers got a real kick of that... The chick next to me is Tiffany (the one who ended up drunk as a skunk by the end of the night), to the right of her is Vanessa, next to her is Johnathan, and finally there's Steve, of whom you can only see his hands in mid-clap.  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server: Edited by - cinemafia on 02 Oct 2002 14:21:06 |
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 17:28:30
Hey! I finally got one of the pics taken at my alleged "birthday party" back from the guy who brought a disposable cam. I scanned it and placed it on my server, here.P.S. - I'm the guy with the crazy look on his face way over at the left. My wife's coworkers got a real kick of that... The chick next to me is Tiffany (the one who ended up drunk as a skunk by the end of the night), to the right of her is Vanessa, next to her is Johnathan, and finally there's Steve, of whom you can only see his hands in mid-clap.  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server: Edited by - cinemafia on 02 Oct 2002 14:21:06
You look so thrilled.... "One slip and down the hole we fall" Check out the new forum on the block at: |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 17:46:56
Either that or in mid-gaseous release...  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 02 Oct 2002 : 20:11:37
You ordered the meat for the party from the QuandraJets's deli, didn't you? You shouldn't have forgotten that it's only 97% fart free. There's still that other3% left for your body to work out.  "One slip and down the hole we fall" Check out the new forum on the block at: |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 14:06:42
 666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
911 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 14:34:24
Ok, yeah, I'll be 22 in DisMember, so in some eyes I'm a young one...Not that *I* care how old anyone is, honestly, especially around here. I just applied for a job in Boston (please, everyone, make contact with what ever powers or deities you hold dear in my behalf) with my churches offices to take care of the email servers, web servers, help keep the website working, etc... The job requirements included "At least one year of experiance with web creation by hand with HTML, and FTP" I thought "Umm... it takes me longer to upkeep my site with Fetch than it does via a command line... I remember the Internet when I'd get kicked off at 6:47am everymorning when the tech power cycled all the modems at Merit Networks... when Gopher, Telnet and FTP were the only tools you had... scrounging for information with Archie, Veronica and Jughead... Did you say ONE years experiance?" Then I thought "Thaat really makes me feel old..." ~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Admin of The WonderLAN ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 14:46:44
Yeah...remembering when the 2400bps internal modem in the PowerBook 160 I had way back actually worked, and allowed me to pulg into a phone line anywhere and hop on the Free Thinkers BBS to argue philosphy makes me feel old...666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server: Edited by - cinemafia on 04 Oct 2002 11:48:57
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 21:22:09
Yeah...remembering when the 2400 Kbps internal modem in the PowerBook 160 I had way back actually worked, and allowed me to pulg into a phone line anywhere and hop on the Free Thinkers BBS to argue philosphy make me feel old...666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 My Site: My Hotline Server:
Okay, now I'm getting depressed. I've only got 13 more days until I hit the age mom swore she was for a decade. Or another way to put, I'll have five years on cinemo. "One slip and down the hole we fall" Check out the new forum on the block at: |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 03 Oct 2002 : 21:39:49
Okay, now I'm getting depressed. I've only got 13 more days until I hit the age mom swore she was for a decade. Or another way to put, I'll have five years on cinemo.
Quit complaining, last time I checked, I was 5 years older than my mother!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 04 Oct 2002 : 13:04:09
Quoth Stryderquote: Okay, now I'm getting depressed. I've only got 13 more days until I hit the age mom swore she was for a decade. Or another way to put, I'll have five years on cinemo.
Oh boo hoo. ;p I've known that feeling you'll have in 13 days for ~snif~ 5 months now. Shizznit. Next year, Stryder, we become ... old. 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1 |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 04 Oct 2002 : 16:20:11
In some people's eyes i'm considered to be a young one. I remember reading about the new Quadras (AVs and 605s), Power Macs and Performas in the many AppleNews (any other aussies remember AppleNews? ) newsletters that graced the coffee table when i was a kid.  -------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
911 Posts |
Posted - 04 Oct 2002 : 20:37:01
Well Kady Mae... you're still a 68kMLA Booth Babe! Actually, what really made me feel old (and weird, cuz I still live with the 'rents) was realizeing that come my Birthday this DisMember, I'll be as old as my dad was when I was born, and I'm already as old as he was when I was conceived... Not to get this Board into touchy terror-tory... What do you do when your 42 and 64 year old female, single bosses admit that they have and have had a crush on you?
~Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Admin of The WonderLAN ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
Junior Member

382 Posts |
Posted - 04 Oct 2002 : 22:42:05
Make sure that YOUR comfort level is understood by both. If it's upsetting to you in any way, be honest with yourself. The easiest way to put things back to the way they should be is to take up the position that you don't want anything to come between your happiness with the work you do and the people you work with. This method normally gets the point across without trampling on feelings and pride. Keep in mind, they could ( I stress could) just be being playful and goofing around. Without actually being there personally, I really don't have any reference to use. So I'm stuck with postulating the possiblities. Only you can really decide how troublesome this is for you and how serious to take it. I can only recomend two things. Don't jump the gun with a rash conclusion, but don't overlook the obvious. Oh, if I misunderstood and you're looking at if we think you should go for it.......I'd have to say, "Not a good idea." I generally believe that to avoid the above problems. Nobody should see that much of each other anyway. Time apart always makes the time together much better. "One slip and down the hole we fall"
Check out the new forum on the block at: |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 05 Oct 2002 : 05:45:54
Not to get this Board into touchy terror-tory... What do you do when your 42 and 64 year old female, single bosses admit that they have and have had a crush on you?
I don't know about 64(!), but is the 42 yo one hot?  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
2899 Posts |
Posted - 05 Oct 2002 : 06:34:29
I don't know about 64(!), but is the 42 yo one hot? 
Most likely . . . but how does she LOOK?  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 05 Oct 2002 : 07:25:24
Actually, what really made me feel old (and weird, cuz I still live with the 'rents) was realizeing that come my Birthday this DisMember, I'll be as old as my dad was when I was born, and I'm already as old as he was when I was conceived...
Just this January gone by, I was the same age as my mother when she had my little sis - she already had 3 kiddies. and had been married 7 years. wow. dana (I'm about 8 on the inside, I think!) Quadra 605 Obsessions
Kady Mae
Junior Member

261 Posts |
Posted - 05 Oct 2002 : 09:58:53
Well Kady Mae... you're still a 68kMLA Booth Babe!
:x (Peck on the cheek, not a slip of the tongue.)
quote: Not to get this Board into touchy terror-tory... What do you do when your 42 and 64 year old female, single bosses admit that they have and have had a crush on you?
Well, Ben Franklin advised men to have mistresses older than them because they were wiser and grateful. ;) A crush can be many things. I kind of have a little crush on a handsome guy in the IT deapartment even though I'm happily married. I love to tease him and even flirt a little, or try make him laugh (because the poor guy is under so much stress) ... but I know it's never going to be a serious thing. (He's gay.) It's an affection thing. Perhaps its because you remind them of the parts of their lives when they were young, and handsome, talented men treated them with respect and paid attention. I mean, there's probably a part of them that looks at you and says, "If I were his age, I'd be on him like white on rice", but it's probably mostly an affection thing. Either way, if it starts becoming something you're uncomfortable with and not professional. Politely and clearly tell them to step it down a notch. 68K's liberated: 4 68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2 PowerMacs adopted: 1 |