Hopefully the letters got ur attn
!Ok, so here we go! (shipping is to Northern America, add $1 for western Canada):
-------------------PB 170--------------------
8 MB RAM, 80 MB HD, screen in great shape, rear door and very small piece of rear plastic is missing, no batteries, but will include A/C adapter and a charger incase u have batteries...
--- $40 shipped
-------------------PM 7200/120-------------------
2 GB HD, 48 MB RAM, Can install 8.5 OR 9, CD & Floppy Drive
--- $45-50 shipped
-------------------PM 7200/120 mobo-------------------
--- $25 shipped
-------------------PM 7200/90 mobo-------------------
--- $20 shipped
--------------Radius 24 XP Pro Video card (nubus)------
--- $15 shipped
-------------------PCI ethernet card-------------------
It says 10/100 base, but i cant get 100 base out of it(I/you can get fully function 10 base, possibly 100, I just haven't myself), of course Rj-45 port
--- $15 shipped
Ok, I've got a couple wants as well, just incase u'd rather trade. I don't ahve cash, so unless its a small/cheap item, please don't ask if i can buy it. So here they go:
-I need a 6100 A/V card, the kind that allows s-vid in/out AND the right angle adapter for it.
-72-pin (the kind taht goes in 6100, i think its 72, someone correct me if wrong) RAM that is above 32 MB in size.
-Newton 2x00, I had one a while ago, got broke, and now I have interest again. I know this is a big item, but If you offer it as a trade, I will pay for shipping of my stuff to you.
-Any computer system with higer performance than a 7200 will also take top priority, agin with me shipping. I'm looking for a higher power machien than the 7200, but it can be barebones, as long as its got mobo, cpu, psu, and tis all good.
Either post back or email me (magicpenguin@torpedobird.com) with any questions/comments/inquries.
~The Penguin
| Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy |
There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path.
| 68k.torpedobird.com <-- Official Hotline Server |