There is usually a "My computer sounds like a wind machine, how can I quiet the freakin' thing down?" kinda thread running at any give time over on fritter, so I decided to use my ProAudioSpectrum 16 Sound Card to try to quantify the effects of using a ShopVac muffler on the airstream from the exhaust fan. Of course I couldn't get the software to record in a usable audio format, but the wave and spectral analysis of the data looked interesting and I played around with that and got these results:Test data Amplified 1000% to enhance visual representation
My question for the MLA's audio recording specialists would be whether the shift in the spectral readouts indicated the qualitative effect of damping the higher frequency component of the total overall sound output? My hunch is that the primary wave display shows the overall level of reduction represented by the constriction of the wave's amplitude in the 5 second muffled intervals as compared to the unmuffled intervals and the shift of the darker blue patterns to the lower ranges of the spectral display would indicate the changes in the frequency ranges that add up to the total output level that would be measured in decibels?
Dunno, I have no experience with this kinda thing, but that interpretation seems right somehow, how far off is my hunch?
The (really informal, rudimentary level
) testing procedure is explained in this thread if you want to check it out:
Replacing the noisy fans in my G4 digital Audio
Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball
C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF