Hi evrybodyI had a great holiday & whilst on holiday flicked through a catalouge for office furniture which contained pics of part or whole apple macs. I wanted to see if someone here could identify them.
I scanned the pics in & converted them to jpg(vista scan will only scan as tiff & netscape dosnt like tiff only jpg so far as I have figured, go figure)
I loaded my homepage to link & upload the pics......
I realised the pics wernt in the same directory as my homepage, & so tried (without success) to copy the files & then I tried to move them & this worked, I had tiff & jpg files in the same directory as my homepage.
I went back to my homepage(on netscape composer) & attempted to link the pics ready for uploading.
netscape cant "see" the files.
I have given up until someone may tell me the secret "voodoo" I need to use in order to get my mac to "see" & "utilise" files.
Will there be some 10 key stroke (ala a game of "finger twister") which will "magically" put ermm
hahaha, time for a smiley

or I could email them to someone.
Quadra 840av 128MB ram 2MB vram cd drive(caddy),1 caddy!:-)1.44 floppy drive,inject :-(1.2 gig drive
2 monitors 15" & 14" os 8.1 56k modem Stylewriter 1200 Zodiac speakers Umax 1220s scanner
3 year old son!