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Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2002 : 16:29:38
Well, Well, Well...A week or so ago, while speaking about my infatuation with old Macs amoungst my co-workers, I was informed by one of them that he had "some old Macs and crap" in his garage in a large box. After hounding him to hand it all over to me (Actually, I didnt have to hound to much, he was more than happy to get rid of hiss "old crap".), he finally agreed to come over this weekend, which he finally did this morning. I ran outside when he arrived to see what he had in store for me, when my eyes saw; An LC II. A IIcx. two 14" Apple Monitors. Two Style Writer II's. (Heavy...) Two Apple Keyboards. Two Mice. An external SCSI CD-ROM. (Thank you god!) An IBM printer. An HP SCSI scanner. And a mountain of cables...     
I have already tossed one of the 14" monitors because it seemed a little finicky, plus, I didn't need it. As well as the scanner and the IBM printer, since they were both quite disgusting. And one of the Style Writers since it had a rather nice crack in the outer casing (Plus I have NO room, nor do I know any other Mac users...). The IIcx seems to have a bad video card, as none of the 3 monitors I hooked up were able to get a non-garbled image. The LC II running 7.1 reminds me of what I would imagine running OS X on a Power Mac 7500/100MHz would be like. Oh well, I have a bunch more stuff, and I got it all for free! My new Mac total = Nine! |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2002 : 16:46:16
NICE haul dude! MultiplePeripheral liberation too, as well as two Macs! Either way, keep talking about old Macs...maybe your next box of "old Macs and crap" may be an 840AV with an AppleVision 1710AV?   -------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2002 : 16:51:45
Thanks. :-)And if somebody gave me an 840AV, oh man... :-D The crown jewel! 
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2002 : 17:55:35
iWish.-------------------------- "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" - Unkown Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 24 Aug 2002 : 20:51:43
the ONLY thing that could make my Quadra 840av with Adjustable keyboard, 56k SupraExpress and 14" audiovision better, is more peripherals (ie scanner, printer, cd burner) and a larger Apple Monitor, I'd use a non AudioVision or AppleVision (av) monitor if I could land myself a pair of AppleDesign speakers to go with my wonderful Quadra. Oh, AND it could use a larger HD, the 500MB one gets a little cramped after just a while recording AVOfficial 68k videographer |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 05:58:41
A nice haul you got there... But Stylewriter IIs, heavy? You didn't mean ImageBangers, did you?  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Junior Member

196 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 07:26:06
quote: The IIcx seems to have a bad video card, as none of the 3 monitors I hooked up were able to get a non-garbled image.
More likely, it is either: a) Designed for a specific monitor b) Limited in its choices of monitors (no extended sense codes) c) The type that needs to be set up by holding a key during boot and going through options until a clear picture appears. (Older Radius and SuperMac cards work this way.) Post some details on the card and someone may be albel to help.

Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 10:09:07
The IIcx seems to have a bad video card, as none of the 3 monitors I hooked up were able to get a non-garbled image.
I found the Mac IIci has an old-style Sync on Green output from the on-board video system. It took me a great deal of switch flicking on my VGA adapter to get my 17" CRT to recognise it. If you are using an older analig controlled monitor then it may be that the weird sync is just showing up as a non-sync locking picture and it is screwed. It should look a little like a TV that has lost it's signal lock and the picture scrolling up all the time, crossed with an encrypted cable signal. If the GFX chip is dead then the picture will be static and garbled, not scrolling. quote:
The LC II running 7.1 reminds me of what I would imagine running OS X on a Power Mac 7500/100MHz would be like.
Try and find a copy of System 6.0.8L. It was the last version of System 6.0 that was written for a few of the later machines, including the LCII and Classic II (very similar machines) as well as the Powerbook 100. It'll run it much better than 7.1 which is dog-slow as you said. Try for detials of 6.0.8L. -- Mark Benson FlatPackMacs 2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster Flat Packing Macs for 68k MLA airlift excercises  Macs Liberated = 14! |
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 11:53:25
A nice haul you got there... But Stylewriter IIs, heavy? You didn't mean ImageBangers, did you?  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Whoops! They are LaserWriter II's. My bad. 
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 11:58:42
quote: The IIcx seems to have a bad video card, as none of the 3 monitors I hooked up were able to get a non-garbled image.
More likely, it is either: a) Designed for a specific monitor b) Limited in its choices of monitors (no extended sense codes) c) The type that needs to be set up by holding a key during boot and going through options until a clear picture appears. (Older Radius and SuperMac cards work this way.) Post some details on the card and someone may be albel to help.
The card is labeled "1988/1989 APPLE COMPUTER", "HIGH RESOLUTION DISPLAY VIDEO CARD" It is 12" long.

Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 12:08:23
The IIcx seems to have a bad video card, as none of the 3 monitors I hooked up were able to get a non-garbled image.
I found the Mac IIci has an old-style Sync on Green output from the on-board video system. It took me a great deal of switch flicking on my VGA adapter to get my 17" CRT to recognise it. If you are using an older analig controlled monitor then it may be that the weird sync is just showing up as a non-sync locking picture and it is screwed. It should look a little like a TV that has lost it's signal lock and the picture scrolling up all the time, crossed with an encrypted cable signal. If the GFX chip is dead then the picture will be static and garbled, not scrolling. quote:
The LC II running 7.1 reminds me of what I would imagine running OS X on a Power Mac 7500/100MHz would be like.
Try and find a copy of System 6.0.8L. It was the last version of System 6.0 that was written for a few of the later machines, including the LCII and Classic II (very similar machines) as well as the Powerbook 100. It'll run it much better than 7.1 which is dog-slow as you said. Try for detials of 6.0.8L. -- Mark Benson FlatPackMacs 2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster Flat Packing Macs for 68k MLA airlift excercises  Macs Liberated = 14!
The monitors I am using are the Apple RGB (Which is apparentky what was offered by Apple at the time of the IIcx, according to the pictures I have seen), and an Apple Color Plus 14". The displayed picture filles the screen from left to right on both monitors, but leaves about 1/6 of the screen blank on the top and bottom (compressed). The image is mirrored 4x accross the screen. And after being on for a minute or so, the entire displyed image slowly drops towards the bottom of the screen, as another image beegins to descend from the top to take it's place. (Scrolling!) 
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 12:51:45
And luckily, I already had 6.0.8L on two disks, which I used to install on the LC last night.
2899 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 13:15:03
And luckily, I already had 6.0.8L on two disks, which I used to install on the LC last night.
that's great, the monitor image sounds like a sync incompatibility, i couldn't get to the web site but if you click on the "nubus city" link in ~coxy's sig you will probably find a piccie of your video guess is that it has four empty SIMM slots on it because it doesn't sound like a "Toby" card. checking against this chart is always a good idea: "home page of gamba" rocks, if you ever have a question, google "gamba" and near the bottom the link will be right there on the first page!  jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 13:33:42
Actually, I did a search on Google and found a picture of the exact card, here it is; 
Junior Member

147 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 20:07:17
What models are the Laser Writer II's? and nice haul dude!
Starting Member
16 Posts |
Posted - 25 Aug 2002 : 20:38:37
Thanks.The model number of the one I kept is: M6000, manufactured in Feb 1988. |