Hi everyone - long time no see!Been busy graduating, settling back at home, looking for a job, learning how to pass my driving test and cycling around to keep fit. Suddenly remembered I hadn't check around here for donkeys.
Lots of exciting 68k developments in the last few days:
Downgraded my spare SE/30 to an SE logic board, 800k floppy drive and an 80MB hard disk, it's now a fully blown SE in the wrong case but it at least behaves like one. Currently trying to master AppleShare Server installation, it's very fussy about some things it seems, like version of AppleTalk. I'm running System 6.0.8 as 7.1 is WAAAYY too slow. Got a BNC/AUI ethernet card for it that a guy gave me 'cause he gave me his last compact (my other SE/30). It seems to work but ee gad is it ever slow!! Christaned "Leah".
My 840av "Muad'Dib" has both it's 9GB drive back after I fitted the OS X Server with 2x 2.1GB drives (more later). No RAID I'm afraid, I can only get 2 drives in so the required 3rd boot drive is not really an option. I think, from my benchmarks I found that RAID actually slowed the transfer down anyway, bizar but hey!
I finished a full re-fit of my IIci "Boston" to full Photoshop 3.0 acceleration spec. It is no as follows:
- Turbo 040 @ 33MHz
- Radius Thunder IV 1360 GX graphics card
(currently running 1152x870 @ Millions - sweeeettt)
- 32MB RAM
- 500MB Hard Disk
- Photoshop 3.0.4, Photoengine plug-in and DSP extensions, and
QuadControl Panel
The Turbo 040 came complete with all software, manuals and it's original static-proof bag. It's a later model with 128k soldered on cache instead of the cache socket and seperate (optional) board, so needless to say it's even faster for the 128k cache advantage. The whole damn machine is sweet.
Sorted out most of the gremlins in my other SE/30 (50MHz machine). Needs a floppy drive swap, drive is either dirty or dead.
And in other News.... (sorry this is going on a bit) :
Got connected to a 64k ADSL line for 24/7 access and got a network running at home. I have a hardware router doing the routing, DHCP and FireWall. My LC475, "Viper", is still running DNS as I can't work out how to do it in OS X Server. My dad's 7300 is running OS X Server 10.1, serving files and mail services across our LAN. All exciting stuff. I can connect to my file server from all my 68k machines, even my newly 'steined SE. I also have a 6300CD serving MP3s from a spare 7.5GB IDE drive to my iBook running iTunes 3
I have FINALLY got a 14" monitor to use as a second, well third i suppose, screen for my many machines. I now have a total of 5 CRTs (including 2 SEs) and one LCD (iBook) in the same room. My dad has just bought a brand new NEC/Mitsubishi MultiScan 95F 19" CRT, it's so crisp it hurts
I got a proper 3.5" floppy disk racking system for all my floppies to get them out of my desk drawer where they were constantly getting mixed up all the time.
I revived and got working an HP DeskWriter C printer. It works well for it's age, it's currently hooked up to my SE/30 (not much help on a colour printer!!) but is supposed to be on an LC or Quadra somewhere. I might even see if the drivers are compatible with OS 9.1 and my 7500.
My only problem now is I have run out of flat surfaces to put Macs on!
Mark Benson
FlatPackMacs http://fpm.gotdns.com
2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster
Flat Packing Macs for 68k MLA airlift excercises
Macs Liberated = 14!