i don't think you understood my point, there is NO software modification necessary AT ALL! for example, i suggested that blackstealth simply edit in the word "holygrail" into a few of the very best posts regarding the difficulties involved with getting a PowerBook screen to function as a standard mac input monitor for something like a microquadra or even a new G4. moderators over there used to go in and edit "smilies inside quotes" out of posts due to a forum software bug.here's how it works, i just edited the word "eastereggnog" into two posts, one into a post of cinemo's in the links project just to make sure i could do it in my forum and to see how it looks, and one into a post of mine in the humongous APB thread so give this a try:
1) use the existing search function to find posts with the word "eastereggnog" in the default-any member-any date parameters.
2) click on the "APB Cinemo" thread to find the keyword flagged post.
3) click the "quote/response" icon in any posting at random as if you were going to respond.
4) type Command-F Return (or mouse the find command in your browser)
5) check out the exact post on the correct page pinpointed by the highlighted keyword in that monstrous thread in a few easy steps.
it should be an easy process to find any post that has been tagged with the "68kMLA moderators (encoded seal of approval) bronze star citation" denoting that the post was very good but not excellent or freakin' awesome.
it's a fairly quick search method for finding tagged "best of the best posts" and no software modification is required at all. just down and dirty utilization of the crap we've already got on hand.
it's kind of an expanded, informal version of the linking to informative threads that you've already done on the site. a Q&A kinda keyword reference interface to go with it would be required, but my process gets you to the exact "post of merit", nopt just to the thread in general. anybody having a mod flag their post should take it as a compliment.
whatcha think? 
Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball
C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF
Edited by - Trash80toG-4 on 20 Aug 2002 18:59:11