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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 14 Aug 2002 :  23:15:33
I'm thinking of starting a website, I'm wondering of what to do...

I'm thinking of starting a mac website (what else would I do?)

some Mac specs, maybe real pics of real macs, maybe I should market them, create advertising and such.

maybe I'll use it to advertise my Macintosh painting service

by the way... Im going to start painting and reselling old macs, a couple of questions, first, is it legal to paint such beautiful ocmputers? would other people buy such computers? would people buy such painted computers preloaded with alternative Operating systems like A/UX? AND would A/US 3.0.1 work on a Mac Classic or Classic II?


Senior Member

1627 Posts
Posted - 14 Aug 2002 :  23:23:18
Mabye offer painted in black and white and if you need pointers on a website look all of ours, mine is http://catsdorule.no-ip.com

-Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars.
afp://68kdisk.no-ip.com l/p 68kmla/68000
Website: http://catsdorule.no-ip.com
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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms

4679 Posts
Posted - 16 Aug 2002 :  00:33:32
I was thinking of painting in a variety of background colors, then having smaller brush paints for my artist friend to do the little artsy things like pictures of things.

Or, I could just find the largest apple logo that'll fit on the side of a Classic

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Duke of the Net
Starting Member

25 Posts
Posted - 16 Aug 2002 :  22:05:08
Hey cory5412, you still here? I need to talk, if your online, get on aim

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