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Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 14:19:03
Well, I just got my iPod today (10GB) and i must say I am quite impressed. Scary that it has more horsepower than some of my macs, more RAM than half them two. Over all I am quite pleased, anyone else in the MLA got one?Questions, Comments?  ~The Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 15:20:18
One Question was it worth it?-Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars. Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet . ----- Servers: afp:// l/p 68kmla/68000 hotline://
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 15:53:12
Hell yes!Hehe. If i had the choice between this and a G4 tower (for myself), id still take this! ~The Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 16:55:27
Sweet It is a great alternative then useing mp3 cd players  -Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars. Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet . ----- Servers: afp:// l/p 68kmla/68000 hotline://
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 17:13:16
Heh, this is actuayll an upgrade for me from an MP3 CD player, which i funn-ily sold to my brother hehe. The appeal of Firewire storage, LOTSA music (more than i will have for a long time) and LOTS more anti skip than my CD player, which is important for running cross country I would highly recomend to one to anyone who is thinking aboot getting one. One more thing, the freakin non moving scroll wheel is awesome, i dunnop what all these ppl are complaining aboot.~The Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 17:16:11
Can we have a picture? O and what is the built in game like?-Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars. Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet . ----- Servers: afp:// l/p 68kmla/68000 hotline://
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 17:23:25
I'm getting mine, soon. As soon as it comes in, dammit! <shoots angry look at the mugs in the computer store>~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 17:56:33
Pictures will come when film gets developed (*sighs* as he wishes he had a digi-cam). I just learned soemthing else in the dark as well. The Backlight is freakin bright! it blows the newton out of the water and is nice and white as well. What size you gettin ~Coxy? (Thinks they should ship quickly to aus, taiwan is much closer there than to the easter US...)~The Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 18:55:52
I have the "old" 10 gb iPod. Still waiting for MacOutfitters in PA to refund my cash-money from a case I ordered and never came in, so I can go to MicroCenter and get the Xtreme Mac iPod kit thingy with the case, car adapter and oodles of accesories!-------------------- keeper of the website , master of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™, and figure-head of the Peoples' PDS Republic -------------------- |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 19:40:01
I have an original 5GB iPod, purchased November 12, 2001 (a full week before official release). I have used it constantly day in, day out for the last 9 months, and I have to say, it's worth every penny.Someday, I hope to obtain a 20GB Toshiba 1.8" drive to upgrade my iPod to a 20GB model. ------------------ Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 23 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 20:16:08
Does anybody know if apple has fixed that whole firewire port problem they had a while back? I've been waiting before even considering buying it til that was taken care of.I just burn cds, lots and lots of cds. _______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 ** SEE IF MY NEWTON IS ONLINE AT *** |
Captain Z
Mobile Ops Commander
637 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 20:22:22
Yeah... Apple screwed that all up.The original iPod has hard soldered pins on the FireWire port. With constant plugging and unplugging, one of these contacts would break. In responce to this messup, Apple has extended the warrenty on all iPods to 1 year (rather than 90 days), and it is covered under a free hardware repair/replace. This fault was fixed on genreation 2 iPods. ------------------ Captain Z - Mobile Operations Commander 68K Macintosh Liberation Army 23 68K Macs Liberated Visit Captain Z's Starbase of EV Stuff |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 21:17:42
I'm getting a 10 gigger, enough to store 10 times the number of MP3s that I have.  ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 05:51:39
I came very close to buying an Ipod when they first came out, but none of my Macs had a firewire port. So I ended up buying an Archos jukebox recorder, because Amazon was having a sale on them. My advice, do not buy one unless you have a PC. It will work with a Mac, but lots of copying of files between the Mac and the recorder slowly corrupts the hard drive. It works fine with a PC, but all my MP3s were on the Macs, so I had to go out and buy an Ethernet card for the PC so I could move all my MP3s over to the PC so I could copy them to the recorder.Maybe that was a message from a higher power that I should have just bought a firewire card instead. AnubisTTP, Tank Commander, Bolo Division 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:21 |
Full Member
936 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 08:31:33
the iPod sounds pretty cool. I might actually be able to use one now that they're avalible for PCs. Although I rarely leave my desk so I can just burn cds when I'm on the road._________________ Leutennant SCCHICAGO HotLineServer(closed): Website(closed): MyForumOnDelphi: NOTE:HL AND HTTP SERVER ARE ONLY AVAILIBLE WHEN I'M ONLINE |