Well I tried to get started at apple script and here it is:(*
Made by Daniel Saul
on open theMovie
tell application "QuickTime Player"
set request to display dialog "Select a scaling!" with icon ¬
note buttons {"normal", "double", "screen"} default button "screen"
if button returned of request is "normal" then
open theMovie
present movie 1 scale normal
else if button returned of request is "double" then
open theMovie
present movie 1 scale double
else if button returned of request is "screen" then
open theMovie
present movie 1 scale screen
end if
end tell
end open
With this you don't need to buy Quicktime PRO to view movies full screen
I've only tested in osx but it might work in 9.
-Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars.
Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet
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