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68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 10:42:10
does anyone know if the Motorola 68060 processor will work in a Quadre (I have an 840av) if they even fit, will it work, if it works, (without blowing up) will the Mac OS work, and if the Mac OS works, will I see any difference in speed or effeciency. would it just be better to see if Motorola make faster 040s?If putting this better processor in what was the BEST 68k mac will work, then that mac becomes BETTER than the best 68k mac... bwahaha my Quadra's reign of terror over the 68k macintosh world will soon begin, as it rises over the masses to become the best! (when I can afford the processor) |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 11:03:35
there have been several discussions already, use the search function and you'll find lots of commentary on the subject in the forums.jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 11:48:25
found nothing for "68060"-Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars. Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet . ----- All servers currently off 'till I get a dedicated server. |
Junior Member

172 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 12:02:23
You cannot use a 68060 in a Mac. The 68060 is not pin-compatible with the 68040, and the Mac OS was never modified to be compatible with the 68060 either.The only way to run Mac OS on a 68060-based computer is to run a Mac emulator on an Amiga. 
2899 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 13:25:23
found nothing for "68060"
try again! there are a bunch of hits.  maceo's right that the simple answer is "no, it won't work", but that answer appears to be somewhat oversimplified. it'd probably be more accurate to say that it really wouldn't be worth the effort required to build an adapter card/carrier to plug into the 040 socket for a 68060 even though a lot of the info dug up on it suggests that it should work. jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 13:32:30
Unless the ppl I know are out & out,I say Out & out liars................. A Milan 040 computer was built & I have heard of the 040 cpu being swapped for an 060 which was possible as the 2 cpu's were "pin compatible". Perhaps there are different 040 cpu's. I personally think it is worth "having a go". but I'm not going to blow my Quadra up just to find out. As for the os that is not so good news as it would probably not use the potential of the 060 which is "definitley not" just a speed upgrade, the 060 although fairly compatible(alledgedly)( I suggest query's should be put to Motorola) with the 040 it has very advanced features. It would be worthwhile chasing this up as even as much as 1 1/2 years ago Motorola were intending to "build" the Milan 060 computer, so if Apple let them they may be interested enough to make an Apple compatible(I would indeed advise a Quadra 860av) Motorola are a successfull company(sometimes hard to see why) & the 68k cpu's have been used in, aircraft & washing machines,not just Amiga's Apple's & Atari's. Motorola have a vested interest in making a 68060 computer & I think there main interest will be getting the machine to sell, In which case given the success of MagicMac a 68k Quadra 860av would be awesome. More so than Apple I get the feeling that there is a great love of 68k & 68k is not "dead " technology. I am gearing up to buy old 040 macs to run "tests" on them innit! shaktiman Quadra 840av 128MB ram 2MB vram cd drive(caddy),1 caddy!:-)1.44 floppy drive,inject :-(1.2 gig drive 2 monitors 15" & 14" os 8.1 56k modem Stylewriter 1200 Zodiac speakers Umax 1220s scanner 3 year old son! |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 17:12:16" target="_blank"> have found the product page for the '060 note "Completely User-Code Compatible with the MC68040 " This should mean that it'll work, if it's electrically compatible, it just won't work with the new features, but at a whopping 75MHz, who needs new features... I'll try to find out if it's electrically compatible 
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 17:20:06
"For the most part, the stack frames used by the MC68060 are the same ones defined for the MC68040. The exception to this rule is that the MC68060 no longer supports the four word throwaway stack frame since this stack frame is primarily used in a dual system stack processor.The Access Error stack frame and floating-point state frames are entirely different between that used by the MC68040 and that used by the MC68060.... These handlers may need to be rewritten for use with the MC68060. .......... As mentioned previously, the MC68060 implements only a single supervisor stack. System software that requires a dual system stack architecture may require significant modifications."Now, I don't know whether the Mac OS requires a dual supervisor stacks, but this excerpt does show that not everything will work with a 68060 off the bat. Besides, the 68060 is only User-mode compatible with the 040, not fully. Perhaps somebody with more knowledge can tell me if I'm on the right track from my limited experience with CPUs. Oh, and if you want to try, Interconnect Systems makes an adaptor to stick an 060 on a 040 mainboard, apparently. ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 17:47:35 Motorola has been holding out on us! this story says that I can get an 040 at 1.9GHz. Which is perfect, completely compatible instructionsets, and architechture, AND massive speed increments. NOW... All I need is a freezer big enough for the Quadra's motherboard and a way to overclock the bus speed AAAALLLLLLOOOOOOOT hehehe, 2 GHz iMac runing 8.1

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 18:09:38
quote: Motorola has been holding out on us! this story says that I can get an 040 at 1.9GHz. Which is perfect, completely compatible instructionsets, and architechture, AND massive speed increments. NOW... All I need is a freezer big enough for the Quadra's motherboard and a way to overclock the bus speed AAAALLLLLLOOOOOOOT hehehe, 2 GHz iMac runing 8.1
-------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 19:02:48
quote: Motorola has been holding out on us! this story says that I can get an 040 at 1.9GHz. Which is perfect, completely compatible instructionsets, and architechture, AND massive speed increments.
Um, you do know that that was a joke, right? ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 19:09:39
that was an april fools joke_______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 ** SEE IF MY NEWTON IS ONLINE AT *** |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 21:40:19
quote: Besides, the 68060 is only User-mode compatible with the 040, not fully. Perhaps somebody with more knowledge can tell me if I'm on the right track from my limited experience with CPUs.
ayup - there's also supervisor mode - which is what a good OS should run in (from MY limited knowledge :D. Although with the MacOS style multitasking, I wouldn't be surprised if *ALL* software ran in supervisor mode  dana 
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 21:49:40
Unless the ppl I know are out & out,I say Out & out liars................. A Milan 040 computer was built & I have heard of the 040 cpu being swapped for an 060 which was possible as the 2 cpu's were "pin compatible".
Even in the Milan (at least, last I was looking at one) an adaptor is needed to get an 060 into one. They're not pin compatible -physically-, but electrically they don't seem all that different... dana 
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 10 Aug 2002 : 06:24:26
Um, you do know that that was a joke, right? ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
Um, i kinda figured.  -------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 10 Aug 2002 : 13:19:35
umm... oops... It would have made sense though, for those who haven't seen motorola's site... It was a pretty good joke then

Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 18:35:30
Actually, I believe they are physically pin compatible. I'm pretty sure that an 060 would fit into an 040 slot, but there are all these other issues, of course{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 19:08:24
Actually, I believe they are physically pin compatible. I'm pretty sure that an 060 would fit into an 040 slot, but there are all these other issues, of course
If there are different ones than those on motorolas site - our socketed 040's in all the macs I've seen (except the powerbook, which is soldered :D) have 179 pins underneath - the motorola documentation had the 68060 packages at 240 or 304 pins... but they are electrically compatible. 
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 12 Aug 2002 : 19:41:33
If there are different ones than those on motorolas site - our socketed 040's in all the macs I've seen (except the powerbook, which is soldered :D) have 179 pins underneath - the motorola documentation had the 68060 packages at 240 or 304 pins... but they are electrically compatible.
Hmm, I see. Well, I was pretty sure that I saw some that were identical somewhere. We should probably not take these inklings of mine as fact, I guess, given this... { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
Official 68k Muse
1193 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 00:17:57
If there are different ones than those on motorolas site - our socketed 040's in all the macs I've seen (except the powerbook, which is soldered :D) have 179 pins underneath - the motorola documentation had the 68060 packages at 240 or 304 pins... but they are electrically compatible.
Hmm, I see. Well, I was pretty sure that I saw some that were identical somewhere. We should probably not take these inklings of mine as fact, I guess, given this...
Nah - like everything any of us knows or thinks - throw it to the rest of us and let ppl comment :D From what I've seen of the 060s, they look the same physical -size- as an 040... Gotta find the pic of the dual-060 VMEbus puter... that looked -neat-! dana 
Senior Member
United Kingdom
1226 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 01:07:57
I think some 040's may have the same pins, I think it's a guy I know who has a Falcon/Milan who did a straight swap.It is probably just a few 040's that can do this, & as Apple gave up on 68k I think we would need an adapter. shaktiman Quadra 840av 128MB ram 2MB vram cd drive(caddy),1 caddy!:-)1.44 floppy drive,inject :-(1.2 gig drive 2 monitors 15" & 14" os 8.1 56k modem Stylewriter 1200 Zodiac speakers Umax 1220s scanner 3 year old son! |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 13 Aug 2002 : 01:12:30
Some amigas ship with 060's, and I know that threre are amiga upgrade cards that offer them. Find an amiga freak (some of us must know one) and ask them.{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2002 : 10:58:35
hmm, there seems to be 2 things for me to consider, how much can you overclock (can you overclock) an 840av from the 40MHz, and I would say that querying Moto to see if an 060 would work in the 040 slot AND our favorite OS supports would, however be fun to have a new OS based lightly on that part of the Mac OS that the computer needs to start up, then, from there, whatever the programmers desire will be there... I've always wanted an operating system called "portals"... - full Quadra860av comptibility - full compatibility with special things like AV and TV/FM tuners - Multiuser support - multiple users logged on at one time What other features does the perfect OS for the 060 have?? Official 68k videographer |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 27 Aug 2002 : 11:17:09
hmm, there seems to be 2 things for me to consider, how much can you overclock (can you overclock) an 840av from the 40MHz . . .
somebody (SVP?) recently posted an estimate for the max for the 840av, it was on the order of 47MHz, IIRC. Have you looked at the overclodking site? (link's probably on gamba if it's not listed already in this thread)jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 30 Nov 2002 : 23:42:53
well I'm not inclined to go with an 060.... if there's ANY chance of THIS baby workin in a Quadra" target="_blank"> or 220 MHz... ahh now HOW NICE would THAT be ;) HEHEHEHE seriously though... that's not for a mac... i would want to try to use it in a mac.. instead... let's all hail the ServerBOX... ServerBOX is the concept I have of a really little machine, with only 3 plugs on the back, 2 ethernet, and one power... ServerBOX has a Webministration tool. You just plug it into your network (or your 2 computer network into it as it is here) and your off, log onto the webmin site and enjoy all the nice webministration tools. the 162 model of ServerBox has 64m or RAM, a 30GB HDD, and 10/100 ethernet the 200 model has 128 RAM, 40GB HDD, gigabit ethernet and even has 802.11 built into it's wonderful unit. There are some slots and user servicable parts on ServerBOX, for example, a user can add more built in ethernet ports simply by opening the easy open case and sliding a little panel of them into the first open "slot." This is mostly for those home user networks and the really little networks that can get by with 6, 10 or 14 ports on their server... Also, there's a port for an external 802.11 antenna, Called the "AntAnna" it comes in various shapes andsizes, including aimed AntAnnas, designed for 2 way communication to another serverbox or whatever is in the path of the AntAnna (hopefully another aimed antenna) Of course, workstation computers will be powered by the same processors, managed Desktops will be powrd by slower ColdFires as will be notebooks and other various machines... it's the Genecomp Product line... featuring the ServerBOX "Serve anything to anyone" Official 68k videographer |