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Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 15:00:15
Well I need a laptop, what should I get? iBook or Tibook? ti i could get like a 500 or 550, iBook I could get a new one. But I want to wait and see if iBooks will get a G4 this month. What do you guys think. To think I could get a eMac or iMac ooo.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:21 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 15:41:03
Imacs are not all they are cracked up to be. I should know my dad has one, get a tibook as your name is "TiMacLover" Although a iBook would be great for everyday use, wait until the next revision to try to take advantage of Quarts extreme. A tibook would be better if you do a lot of photoshoping.-Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars. Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet . ----- All servers currently off 'till I get a dedicated server. |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 16:35:39
BiBookLover?  Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:21 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 18:13:25
HAR!™ -------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
Full Member
506 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 18:34:35
Get the 550 Tibook if you really want a laptop. The G4 will make running OS X a pleasure, and it has a nicer case. I own a first-gen ibook, and OS X is not too great on it, even with 320 MB of RAM. Then again, if I had that much money to blow, I'd get a used Powermac G4 becuase it's more expandable and upgradeable (PCI Slots/upgrade cards and whatnot).Wonko The Sane Engineer-in-training 3 Macs Liberated "You can't possibly be a scientist if you mind people thinking that you're a fool."- Wonko The Sane |
Senior Member
1627 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 19:22:48
BiBookLover?  Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:21 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES
  -Danny Canadian Sniper Squadron 2 stars. Tones of mac junk in the corner of my closet . ----- All servers currently off 'till I get a dedicated server. |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 19:25:22
Jeremy, how do you have $1200 all of a sudden when something like 3 months ago you couldn't scrounge up $20 to pay me for what you committed to buying?Ewww, 486 posts...I better find something to reply to, quickly { candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { 68k Macs liberated: 3} { My baby: Q660av } Edited by - candyPunk on 05 Aug 2002 19:26:35 |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 19:29:37
Hmmm... As a (very!) happy TiBook (500 mHz) owner (okay, okay, so I'm still paying it off...), I'd have to reccomend that you go w/ the PowerBook. My bro-in-law has a new(ish) iceBook 600, which is an amazing laptop, but my Ti whomp's on it in terms of OS X speed (that G4 really rocks, even at a hundred mHz slower), and esp. in screen real estate. Also, despite the extra 50 mHz, I'm pretty sure that you'd want to go with a 500 mHz model like I've got- esp. if you're planing on doing any intense audio work, as the 550 and up models seem to actually be slower at many audio functions then the Rev. A TiBooks. If you google around, you'll see a number of sites that discuss this factor. Hope this helps! :-) SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Full Member
700 Posts |
Posted - 05 Aug 2002 : 19:38:11
Wait until MWSF, when they release better 'books (maybe) or introduce the G5 (or whatever the heck they are going to call it) or a 1ghz tibook. People will be on them like oprah on a baked ham, and be dropping their old 'books like hot potatoes. just a thought... CCCMaster Sergeant Specialty: Camoflague (Mack Hacking) 68ks Liberated: Too many according to my parents |
Junior Member

193 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 13:09:59
I, too find his new found cash a quandry, as I've not seen what he promised to trade me shipped yet, either.

Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 13:39:12
Like everyone else I say I do not have a car and transportation is harsh for me, I emailed you a little while ago offereing more to send since you have had to wait. I am going to put a hard drive, ram, and add a HDI video converter when I send it.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:21 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 06 Aug 2002 : 19:31:47
buy a car. the resell value holds much better than a computer and will probably serve a better overall purpose, like a getting a job, transportation, etc.
_______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 ** SEE IF MY NEWTON IS ONLINE AT *** |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2002 : 02:48:19
I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't get a Tibook because so i hear from a lot of owners that they peal paint easily in short amounts of time and I need something to last, and the value part is a worry also because my friends Pismo he got a year ago cost $1500 and now he barely just got $900 for it. So I was thinking I could get like a iBook 500mhz for just small stuff at school like word processing, a few games, and some small programming. Then I could save a little more up and wait for 17' iMacs to come down in price and get one or just get a eMac, so I would have a eMac/iMac and a ibook. So I am not sure what to do iBook/iMac:eMac or a Tibook? What do you guys think?Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:21 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2002 : 09:05:04
I was thinking, maybe I shouldn't get a Tibook because so i hear from a lot of owners that they peal paint easily in short amounts of time and I need something to last, and the value part is a worry also because my friends Pismo he got a year ago cost $1500 and now he barely just got $900 for it. So I was thinking I could get like a iBook 500mhz for just small stuff at school like word processing, a few games, and some small programming. Then I could save a little more up and wait for 17' iMacs to come down in price and get one or just get a eMac, so I would have a eMac/iMac and a ibook. So I am not sure what to do iBook/iMac:eMac or a Tibook? What do you guys think?
Duo's, get two of 'em and keep one for a spare when the first one gets stolen/lost/broken! if all you're boing to do is word processing why carry anything heavier or costlier?jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 07 Aug 2002 : 10:17:04
I still have to recomend the TiBook- I'm pretty sure they'll hold their resale value longer, as the G4 will be able to keep up with new software for a good while longer then the (rapidly aging) G3. As for the worries about the paint chipping off, well, it's something I too was worried about when I picked up my TiBook. I'd actually called Apple to order an iceBook 600, and while the order was processing, the sales rep. mentioned that they had some refurb TiBooks at a slightly lower price, so I went for it. Anyway, for the last 6 months, I've lugged my TiBook around, loose, in my back-pack, and I've had very little chipping/flaking/scratching. Sure, there are a few scuffs here and there (esp. on the corners), but, overall, I've not experienced the huge problems with it that some people seem to have with it. Anyway, now you can buy the same paint that Apple uses, so if you really thrash it, you can 'touch it up' and hide the gouges. Just my $.02 SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |