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Starting Member
15 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jul 2002 : 15:01:56
Which cpu would be faster. The 1.2 Gigahert amd duron or the 500 mhz G3 upgrade on a powermac 7300?For the price of the G3 upgrade I could build a duron system. What do you guys think? Need speed?!!! Get an Apple II ! Watch the text fly!! |
New Member
80 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jul 2002 : 15:56:49
With Linux the Duron would be faster. With Windows, by the time you factor in the many system crashes it will have, and tangled web of confirmation dialog boxes (yes, I really did mean to click "No" in the previous dialog box), the G3 would most likely end up being faster.  Seriously though, AMD makes good chips despite being based on the Intel architecture. Although I've never used a Duron, I'm pretty sure at 1200 Mhz, it could handily beat a G3 500. But, at the same time I never recommend Windows unless you absolutely need it. I don't need Windows, so I wouldn't build a Windows computer. A few years ago when I wanted to *build* a Linux server, I chose an AMD processor to base it on. It really depends on what you want to do with the computer. Aftermac A bandoned, F orgotten, T ortured, E ndangered, R etro, M acintosh, A cquisition, C ommando 5 Apples, 23 liberated 68k's, 9 contraband PPC's, and a Duo Dock |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jul 2002 : 17:05:16
I agree. Keep in mind, though, that a 500 MHz G3 upgrade on a 7300 is going to be a lot slower than a normal G3 500.I'd buy a new Mac, myself, but then upgrades in Australia are usually close to the cost of a new system. ~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
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713 Posts |
Posted - 25 Jul 2002 : 19:15:31
I agree with ~Coxy. The upgrade will change your processor, and you'll notice a significant speedup, but your bus speed will stay the same. I'd just save my money and buy a slot loading G3 iMac, a blue and white G3, or an older G4. They're reasonably priced now, and the performance is quite good. Plus, they run Mac OS X. Yes, I admit, the G3/500, even with a faster bus speed, is not as fast as the 1.2 GHz Duron. Speed is not the only concern with a computer. Even with a fast CPU, the overall usability of a PC will not be as good as any Mac with OS X and a Rage 128 or better video card. On the PC, you won't run many programs at once, for fear that the system will die. All of those extra processor cycles you'll get from a faster machine will go to waste because you'll be afraid to use them. Even my friends with XP won't dare to run more than three programs at once, whereas I've run up to seventy programs at once on my iMac with OS X without anything crashing or freezing. As for Linux on the Duron, the X Windowing System is great for running programs remotely on a mainframe and displaying the results with an X server, but that whole server-client architecture is a hindrance to system performance when you're running processes on your own box. Plus, you'll get that feeling that you're always using beta software, that everything has bugs in it, that the system feels only halfway complete. Linux is great for programmers to practice on, but it's nowhere near what a good UNIX can and should be.Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert OpenStep Page at Macs Liberated: SE (2), IIsi, Quadra 700, 6100, PB 5300, PowerMac 5400/200, Performa 6400/180 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Starting Member
15 Posts |
Posted - 26 Jul 2002 : 11:41:50
I think I will get aduron with Linux system or A used Powermac G3 or a Apple III  Thanks for the info.
---------------------------------- macs that I have ------------------------------- macintosh IIcx mac plus powerbook 520 powerbook 170 powermac 7300 _________________ non mac _________________ Apple IIe Need speed?!!! Get an Apple II ! Watch the text fly!! |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2002 : 09:20:40
The main problem is the 7300's bus speed, it's going to be half if not less than the bus speed of the PC. This will be the 500MHz G3's biggest bottleneck. Also, disk speed is an issue. Unless you already have an ultra-wide SCSI or fast ATA PCI card in the 7300, the disk speed is going to be a lot slower than the PC.666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 I Have No Legs! |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 29 Jul 2002 : 12:48:30
here's my setup that i've slowly upgraded over the past year:8500 powerlogix g3 375mhz that i've overclocked to 420 with a system bus at 52.5mhz. I added a fan and it's at a stable 32 degrees C I started with a borrowed rage 128 and then moved to a radeon. that made a huge difference I have a vst ata/66 card with a seagate 40 gig 7200 rpm drive. i "had" 768 meg ram, but my friend that I got it from ended up getting another legacy mac and wanted it back so i'm down to 448. still very decent. and a usb card. I will say that this setup compares nicely to my friend's stock B&w 350/with rage 128. The main thing in OSX that slows things down is shadows and so there is an app called shadowkiller that takes care of that. I'm VERY happy with the performance of this machine especially when i don't plan on having money for a new one any time soon, but there are issues: I've had to upgrade a lot to get it to where it's at now. There were some headaches. unless you can get a good deal on the g3, it's not worth spending too much on a processor that might become 2 generations old soon. I've forgotten about tech support. I would steer away from both choices and look for a good deal on an early g4 tower or cube. Smalldog or powermox both offer refurbished and used machines for good prices. It's more but worth saving up for, that's what i'm going to try to do for my next machine. _______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist - 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 ** SEE IF MY NEWTON IS ONLINE AT *** |