I Have....Performa 550
Quadra 610
Macintosh LC with matching monitor
Mac SE
Mac Plus
Mac Classic
Mac 512k
Mac 512k with add on keyboard/ball mouse
Apple //c
Apple //e
Apple //+
Powerbook 145b needs work
Newton MP with all original box and manuals
2 StlyeWriter 2500's, one with orginal box
StyleWriter 2400
Heavy old Apple Printer
HP DeskWriter PC/Mac Printer
2 486 intel PC's
1 AT PC Case
3 ATX PC cases
3 CGA Color Monitors
1 AppleVision 14' Color Monitor
14' Color VGA monitor
19' Color VGA Monitor, unknown condition.
Windows, PCs, DOS for Dummies books
Ninteno with 2 games, duck hunt, and mario, 2 controlers and a gun
Internal IDE CDRW 4x4x24
Quasar Stero System with cassate, record, radio, balancer, digital unit
2 PC Keyboards
a 40LB box of PC cards, CPU's. Cards include ethernet, Video, scsi, other ports too
Many ram simms mostly 30PIN and 72PIN
Man other odds and ends for Macs and PCs
Commadore 64 external 5 1/2 Drive
Sony Boom Box with tape deck, radio, cd player
SunSparc Speakers
PC Joystick
Firewire WebCam
I want to trade this intire lot for a Powerbook G3 500/ G4 400/ iBook 500. Let me know I am willing to drive this anywhere relitivly close to me. email me TiMacLover@mac.com Thank You.
"I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd
Covert Ops
68k Hacks General 
Macs Liberated:19
Edited by - TiMacLover on 25 Jul 2002 21:15:08