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New Member
80 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2002 : 10:45:24
Would anyone be interested in buying (I'll also consider trades), A Newton Connection Kit for Macintosh, or an iomega USB ZipCD?The Newton kit is in the box, but not sealed. It includes the Newton connection software on 2 1.4 MB floppies, a 2-meter Apple serial connector, a handook, and even the registration card. This is version 1.0 which only works with Newton OS 1.x. I have not tested the disks, but I will if someone is interested. The ZipCD is barely used. I only burned maybe 20 CD's with it. It's usefulness expired when I bought a firewire burner. I don't have the original box and packing for this item, but I'll upgrade it to the box my LaCie burner came in free of charge. Here is a link to CompUSA's product info page: If you are interested feel free to make an offer. Aftermac A bandoned, F orgotten, T ortured, E ndangered, R etro, M acintosh, A cquisition, C ommando 5 Apples, 23 liberated 68k's, 9 contraband PPC's, and a Duo Dock |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2002 : 12:11:11
would you take trades? like what are you interested in?Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:19 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
New Member
80 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2002 : 12:52:51
As far as hardware I'm interested in Mac models I don't currently have:PB G3, B&W G3, Beige G3, iMac, Duo 2300,PM 6100, Mac 512ke, Mac Plus (Platinum), Mac Plus (Beige), Mac SE, Mac II, Mac IIcx, Mac IIci, Mac IIfx, Mac Classic, Mac LC, Mac IIsi, Quadra 700, LC II, PowerBook 145, Color Classic, Mac LC III, Centris 610, Quarda 650, PowerBook 165c, Quadra 605, Mac TV, Quadra 630 Beyond that, I'm not sure, but I'll take offers. I collect Apple branded products. If eBay's completed item search for "iomega zipcd" is any indication, the drive could be worth up to around $70 used, and mine is well taken care of. So, a trade for that would have to be for something pretty decent. The connection kit, I realize isn't worth a whole lot, $5, $10... Aftermac A bandoned, F orgotten, T ortured, E ndangered, R etro, M acintosh, A cquisition, C ommando 5 Apples, 23 liberated 68k's, 9 contraband PPC's, and a Duo Dock Edited by - aftermac on 19 Jul 2002 12:53:17 Edited by - aftermac on 19 Jul 2002 13:23:01 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 19 Jul 2002 : 13:14:35
Well I have a SE, 145b, and a StyleWriter 2500. Let me know.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:19 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
New Member
80 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jul 2002 : 06:26:45
After much deliberation, I have decline to decline. At this point I feel that if I trade for it, it has to be for something unique to my collection.Thanks, for the offer though. Aftermac A bandoned, F orgotten, T ortured, E ndangered, R etro, M acintosh, A cquisition, C ommando 5 Apples, 23 liberated 68k's, 9 contraband PPC's, and a Duo Dock |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jul 2002 : 10:17:27
hmmmm... is this one of the 4x4x6 ones? you said unique... do you have an external SyQuest branded 88MB removable hard drive cartrage drive? i have 8 or 9 cartrages (the 45MB cartrage I have sounds funny when spinning up, and can be written to, contrary to popular belief.) hmm? as for the newton connection kit, I have the Beta of NCU2.0, and I keep my system clock to 1996, and I'm set to go! >=P screw the beta entitlment!! HAHAHAH!THnx "picture yourself in a boat on a river, with tangerine trees and marshmallow skies..." 
New Member
80 Posts |
Posted - 20 Jul 2002 : 11:12:10
hmmmm... is this one of the 4x4x6 ones? you said unique... do you have an external SyQuest branded 88MB removable hard drive cartrage drive? i have 8 or 9 cartrages (the 45MB cartrage I have sounds funny when spinning up, and can be written to, contrary to popular belief.) hmm? as for the newton connection kit, I have the Beta of NCU2.0, and I keep my system clock to 1996, and I'm set to go! >=P screw the beta entitlment!! HAHAHAH!
Yup, 4x4x6 it is. That SyQuest is definitely unique, but I've got 3 Zip drives I hardly use with disks-a-plenty. Just don't keep any appointments on that Newton. Aftermac A bandoned, F orgotten, T ortured, E ndangered, R etro, M acintosh, A cquisition, C ommando 5 Apples, 23 liberated 68k's, 9 contraband PPC's, and a Duo Dock Edited by - aftermac on 20 Jul 2002 13:29:22 |
Full Member
613 Posts |
Posted - 21 Jul 2002 : 22:01:01
and... After I start up NCU...I SET THE CLOCK BACK!! MUAHAHAHAHH!!!! I AM EVIL! is it one of those Iomega firewire/USB burners? do you have any other burners? mine is a crappy, annoying 10X (so slow! <|:O] <--- I'ts STIMPY!!) HP burner that has annoying buffer underrun errors on my dad's PC, which I got, because he thought it was broken, and burns allmost flawlessly (still has enough buffer underrun errors to be annoying...) oh well... take what you have. THnx "so what you are saying is it made a funny sound, it didn't smell good, and it came out of your butt.... (stimpy nods his head) .... your an idiot."

New Member
80 Posts |
Posted - 22 Jul 2002 : 12:34:28
is it one of those Iomega firewire/USB burners? do you have any other burners? mine is a crappy, annoying 10X
Nope, it's just USB. I've got one other burner, but it's not for sale . If you're not happy with 10x, you'll love this burners blazing 4x speed! Aftermac A bandoned, F orgotten, T ortured, E ndangered, R etro, M acintosh, A cquisition, C ommando 5 Apples, 23 liberated 68k's, 9 contraband PPC's, and a Duo Dock |
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