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Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 : 00:26:01
From inside apple i got a copy of Rhapsody DR2. Its a disk image. I can get it burn if anyone has ne thing they wana trade or ne $$$. thanksjeremy "If we go down the shitter the whole ecosystem goes down the shitter." Steve Jobs My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Starting Member
41 Posts |
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 : 19:36:25
Well, what computer will it run on? And how much for a CD?::::..:....:::.::.:..::.:....:....... Please! no more weasels! I'm full... Just like the New TNN, [url=]Visit the New[/url] |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 : 22:01:58
Im sure that its like most powermacs not G3s. Make an offer i dont care, and il throw in Copland too a developer version.jeremy "If we go down the shitter the whole ecosystem goes down the shitter." Steve Jobs My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 05 Dec 2001 : 12:51:17
umm...isn't there a system requirements list on a readme or something?FireWire is fast General, 4 star Forum moderator 68k Macintosh Liberation Army |
911 Posts |
Posted - 05 Dec 2001 : 22:28:09
I want a copy... $10 for a burned CD of disk images?~Marchie ~~"We are all Mad here."~~ |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 06 Dec 2001 : 09:27:58
I like the sound of this...I'll pay 5 or 10 bucks{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Junior Member

113 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2001 : 01:40:40
Wow, this is just sneaky enough to be really fun! Count me in, $5-10. |
Drunken Sailor
48 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2001 : 17:23:19
So I take it this is the Mac version of Rhapsody? There was a x86 version floting around at some point. It sounds very interesting. If I can get some more information about it I'd be more than happy to pay $5-$10 for it. Have you used it do you just have the disc image?thanks -Scott 68k Macintosh Liberation Army skamen- Lieutenant Commander Total 68k Macs Liberated: 3
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 15 Dec 2001 : 23:23:47
I posted a forum in a another section that i can make a server if people can donate RAM, hard drives, AAUI adapters, and network cards. If i get the server up i can give you like a account for that and i wont charge you or ne thing. I dont mind giving it away!jeremy "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closers" Napolean My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops N.F.C Newton Force Captain 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 22 Dec 2001 : 08:37:59
How big is the disk image? I already have a server set up for what it is worth. I am also willing to pay the $5-10 for a copy too. |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 23 Dec 2001 : 20:14:52
Anybody have their own Hotline server?(and TiMacLover: you really gotta poke around the image and find some system requirements. I'm really curious) FireWire is fast General, 4 star Forum moderator 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Edited by - FireWire is fast on 23 Dec 2001 20:15:51 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 23 Dec 2001 : 23:05:08
OK runs on the whole 603 line of macs only 603s not 604s. Its 50Mbs and has the intel drivers so you can install and run Rhapsody on a Intel based computer. candyPunk was saying how it would be easy to put it on a Hotline server and it would but i need a AAUI adapter or a ethernet card for my LC. If i get oen of ether i will put up for free with Copland which will run on all nubus PM macs. ANYBODY with a big hd i can put up which i have said many times the 68kmla file server and be on 24/7 365 days a year!!! Please help and we all win!jeremy "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" Napolean My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops N.F.C Newton Force Captain 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Full Member
856 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 00:29:30
I just bought you an AAUI ethernet adapter, TiMac. 10 bucks. Somone send me five, and everyone give me a pat on the back. TiMac, I'll need your address so I can have it sent to you.{ candyPunk } { Captain of Observation, 68k MLA } { Macs liberated: 6 } { My baby: Q660av } |
Graphite Goodness
New Member
88 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 01:25:40
I live pretty close to him and he no longer has Rhapsody due to his iBook getting stolen. I resqued Copland luckly from his HD and i am willing to give it via AIM's file transfer for free.
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 07:56:18
Ok, I am download Hotline right now as I am writing this. I have a dedicate 7200/120 for serving. Also have a DSL line with splitter and all that fun stuff. Once I get the server completely set up I will post again. Hopefully this will be a christmas present to both myself and everyone else. Well how about that just finished....I'm off!

Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 09:07:22
Okidokie. Hotline is downloaded and set up and hopefully working semi-correctly. If anyone has a chance and can give it a shot please do so. My IP addy is: Hopefully I got the Port forwarding correct. Please try and tell me if it works or not. Thanks
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 11:59:25
Ok final post for the day. Server is all set and ready for use as far as I am know. Please someone try so I know for sure. Another thing is i want to test to see If i can use domain names. If you have the tolerance and time try to see if you can connect to If that works be much easier. Ok I am done, Have a happy holiday!~The Penguin |Captain, Intelligence Operations| |Macs liberated: 3| |Windoze users converted: 2|
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 21:34:11
Yea my iBook was stolen with it but i have the server i got it off of. The one that Graphite Goodness has is corupt and wont install because it was not fully installed. I can get the full when i get that AAUI who i thanks a lot to candyPunk!!! Copland he does have and it works u can get that off him i also have another build of it when i get adapter we can use. Better yet if you guyz want we can make like fund raisers to get money for like the stuff we need like upgrading from a q610 to a 7500!! Maybe an accoun a bank one for all of us we can donate money and then make desesions about how to spend it, we have the dudy to make a HUGE! difference in the world. I think since we have been workin hard that me and candyPunk should be offical server people for the 68kmla! Ok well heres my address no athrax please....Jeremy Brownstein505 Villa Ave #175Clovis, CA 93612Tell me how u send and when adn once again thanks a lot!!!!jeremy "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" Napolean My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops N.F.C Newton Force Captain 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Graphite Goodness
New Member
88 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 23:04:39
uh Sure Timaclover whatever you say. I know for a fact that you don't have Rhapsody or Copland anymore so i don't care. The place you got both from was a server called SInce they went offline finding both Copland Rhapsody is a pain and the keester. If anyone want Copland I made a Hotline Server that can be put online for anyone who wants it. All i ask TiMac is that you stop being so money hungry. You shouldnt just download Rhapsody off Hotline and offer it as the real Mccoy.
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 24 Dec 2001 : 23:13:16
I try to be very nice and not insult you here and u get off say that stuff. I have it burnt to cd dumby. Watch out for this guy    jeremy "I keep my friends close, but I keep my enemies closer" Napolean My AOL, AIM Sceen name is got 007s milk Covert Ops N.F.C Newton Force Captain 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:15 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 25 Dec 2001 : 05:20:41
Enough of the slagging match, or this topic will be closed.~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!) 00013 Macs liberated. |
Trading Post Commander

202 Posts |
Posted - 25 Dec 2001 : 18:46:46
You two need to stay clear of each other in these forum. This arguing and mud slinging is doing nothing to make these forums better.Play nice of you won't be allowed to play at all. General LeeMac M.A.C ( Mac Action Commando) Macs Liberated 0001 Forum moderator 68k Macintosh Liberation Army