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Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jul 2002 : 21:55:29
I was just floating around some rumor sites and i was wondering if anybody here had anything juicy to share. Unfortunately I don't. I read the same old... apple phone, apple pda, apple camera crap._______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 08 Jul 2002 : 23:08:32
Look for G4/G5s from 1.2Ghz up, Quicksilver is gone. Maybe a new Powerbook, along side upgrades to iBook line, and same with iMacs. Maybe look for a new "i" device as some photos have proved.Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:19 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Junior Member

308 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 06:23:13
New G4 towers definately. Not G5's, most likely G4s from 1.1Ghz down. New enclosures, most likely with two front 5 1/4 bays, and no 3 1/2 front bays. Speed bumps for the Tibooks. No upgrades for the Ibook or Imac line. A new "Isoft" item will be released, most likely that Ichat program everyone was talking about. Lots of talk about OS X, with confimation that a new incremtal upgrade will be released in September. There will most likely be some sort of gadget released, but I extremely doubt it will be an Iwalk. An airport base station, an external hard drive, or something else more pedestrian seem far more likely. There will probably be more talk on the Xserve and stuff for it too, like the RAID array thing they are supposed to release. AnubisTTP, Tank Commander, Bolo Division 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Macs Liberated:21 |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 10:35:16
Hey guys, just thought I'd drop in what I've heard: My (super-cool) girlfriend's cousin works for Apple (not sure in what capacity/department), and the cousin has told Courtney (the aforementioned girlfriend) that Apple's going to be converting the whole line of computers/laptops to OS X only- meaning they'll not only boot to OS X by default, but the won't be able to boot into OS 9 at all! OS 9 really is dead, and available only via Classic, sooner then later. I know, I know, everyone knows someone who's sister's boyfriend's dad's boss's neice's dogsitter's next-door-neighbor works for Apple and just knows what's coming out, but this sounds pretty legit to me. Courtney has a new(-ish) iMac, an older iBook and and iPod, all of which she bought through the cousin, who was able to get some serious discounts off the normal prices... Anyway, I just thought that all this sounds pretty interesting! Cheers, SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
Guerrilla Recon Leader
2965 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 11:02:25
It sounds pretty reasonable to me. I mean, why not? There's really no reason to reboot in 9 on NWR machines. That's why we MacFreaks keeps older PPC's around!  666th poster and 666th thread-creator Mod of the Mac II series Forums Total 68K Macs liberated: 7 I Have No Legs! |
Full Member
729 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 11:10:00
ugh... the only reason i use OS 9 is for games (which isn't saying much, i haven't played a game in a month). Games in OSX are SOOOOO slow right now. The diablo2 for osx has been the only GOOD osx game i've played. ok, so i never actually finished what i was going to say. I wonder how they will keep you out of OS9? I could be a software thing, but maybe it's in the hardware somewhere. If it's hardware, i won't care since i'll never own a new mac for quite a while. Software would suck, but there will come a time that osx will not work on my 8500. _______________________ Sgt. Thelip Heavy Weapons Specialist 950 division Liberated Macs: 12
Edited by - thelip on 09 Jul 2002 11:24:21 |
2899 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 11:57:50
ugh... the only reason i use OS 9 is for games (which isn't saying much, i haven't played a game in a month). Games in OSX are SOOOOO slow right now. The diablo2 for osx has been the only GOOD osx game i've played. ok, so i never actually finished what i was going to say. I wonder how they will keep you out of OS9? I could be a software thing, but maybe it's in the hardware somewhere. If it's hardware, i won't care since i'll never own a new mac for quite a while. Software would suck, but there will come a time that osx will not work on my 8500.
they only need to leave the toolbox routines for 9 out of the ROMs or the ability to mount images of them if that's how they're doing it in X, dunno took them a LOT longer to go non-9 on new product than i had guessed. i figured if i waited for the next release a year ago i'd be out of luck, that's why i got a 466 tower! jt ™. Trash Hauler: call sign: eight-ball C.O. AC-130H SpecOps 68kMLAAF |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 16:11:54
There will be a lot of changes in the next build of Mac OS X, code named Jaguar. Some features will ether make you happy they did it or sad that you ever upgraded.*Features New From Jaguar Build 6C85* iTools is replaced with ".Mac" New Boot Screen New Wallpaper that changes wallpaper automatically by time set. New Sherlock III with many new features New Zoom Feature New Floating window icons New PopUp Folders From Sources performance is a lot better, Jaguar is building up to be very new and fast than any other Mac OS X build. This shows new features in Sherlock III New Features of iChat, and the desktop Jaguar's new boot screen Shows new folder popup feature Shows new Zoom anywhere Feature Floating icons from the dock, anywhere on desktop Other News look for 17' iMacs Enjoy!  Btw, Special thanks to Cyberwuf for most all this information. Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:19 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES Edited by - TiMacLover on 09 Jul 2002 16:23:33 |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 09 Jul 2002 : 16:29:27
Rumours suggest the following roll out dates for Apple Products: G4 up to maybe 1.25 or even 1.5GHz - 1.25GHz at MacWorld NY, 1.5GHz in January. G5 Mac - July or December 2003 Jaguar/10.2 - Early August to Early September, depends who you ask. Earlier the better, there are some horrid bugs in 10.1.5 I've found. iChat is included as is the Final Version of QT 6.0 (MPEG-4 supoort, esp. audio is good btw) Faster PBG4 TiBook - MacWorld NY?? iMac speedbump - not a clue, prob January Expo There are rumours starting to get stronger about a new G4 enclosure, I can't see it being majorly different, just rehashed *again* with more bays. Just in time for me to get a job and buy a new one  You can basically look at Apple's product line and make up what you like about them but you ain't gonna know until it happens. Nothing in the above list has any solid basis. -- Mark Benson FlatPackMacs 2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster Flat Packing Macs for 68k MLA airlift excercises  Macs Liberated = 14! |
Starting Member
19 Posts |
Posted - 10 Jul 2002 : 07:28:12
I can make up some rumors, if you like  Mac 68K Psy-Ops "Ya want Windows? Ya can't HAVE Windows!!" |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jul 2002 : 13:46:28
Here you go these are off of a friends server, so no take downs until Apple emails me or I get a email from one of their lawyers. I can understand if no rumor sites wanted to post this information, because of the whole blacklisting thing that Apple is doing.This shows new features in Sherlock III New Features of iChat, and the desktop Jaguar's new boot screen Proof Of Bluetooth at MacWorld NY Shows new folder popup feature Shows new Zoom anywhere Feature Floating icons from the dock, anywhere on desktop Enjoy Once Again! Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:19 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Full Member
713 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jul 2002 : 14:53:13
quote: Earlier the better, there are some horrid bugs in 10.1.5 I've found.
Speaking of which, has anybody noticed that audio input monitoring in 10.1.5 is CRAP? I downloaded the Deck 3.5 demo the other day, hoping to record some stuff that's been stuck in my head, and I noticed that when I played a note on the guitar, there was a noticeable delay before it came out of the headphones. It's the same with SoundTrax, which worked flawlessly before the update. By the way, I'm using my indigo iMac's built-in audio, which used to work quite well. Does anyone know a workaround? It's incredibly hard to play bebop when what you hear in your headphones is an eighth note off! Official 68kMLA Music and NeXT Expert OpenStep Page at Macs Liberated: SE, IIsi, Quadra 700, 6100, PB 5300, PowerMac 5400 PCs liberated from Windoze: 3 |
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 11 Jul 2002 : 15:39:56
This shows new features in Sherlock III Features of iChat, and the desktop Jaguar's new boot screen Proof Of Bluetooth at MacWorld NY Shows new folder popup feature Shows new Zoom anywhere Feature Floating icons from the dock, anywhere on desktop A Simple Finder lets you see and open all your applications but doesnt let you mess with folders and change it to simple finder in account options This is now hosting off my Performa 550! 68k Power! Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:19 ENTER THROUGH THE GATES |
Junior Member

United Kingdom
273 Posts |
Posted - 12 Jul 2002 : 01:25:16
That's not the only Audio problem either.... I have a USB Audio module that converts USB to Digital Optical for TOSLink application for, in my case, my MD Deck and thence Stereo (my Sony MD Deck had a DtoA pass thru option). I used to have an issue with the USB bus cutting out if I used the network port to copy files. That was a USB issue. Now I either get logged out forcedly or I get a Kernel Panic if I unplug the USB Audio module. Great.... thanks Apple....-- Mark Benson FlatPackMacs 2nd Lieutenant - 68kMLA, LC Quartermaster Flat Packing Macs for 68k MLA airlift excercises  Macs Liberated = 14! |
Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 15 Jul 2002 : 19:13:12
*bump*WTF apple? Quicktime 6 is completely out and its still two days till the keynote?? My birthday was great up until apple confuzzled the hell outta me once again. GREAT! Now EVERYTHING is thrown off. So much for my self proclaimed rumours... ~The Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server
New Member
91 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jul 2002 : 06:42:58
They probably realized that by streaming this thing in mpeg 4 that they could get a whole bunch of downloads in the first two days. Or maybe they realized that they have so many other goodies that they dont have enough time for it. iTunes 3 in now a lock (Apple mentions it in the quicktime 6 pr stuff.

Da Penguin
Senior Member
1094 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jul 2002 : 12:01:23
I'm hoping for both  ~The Optimistic Penguin | Captain, Intelligence Operations / Space Cowboy | There is only one path and that is the path that you take, but you can take more than one path. <-- Hotline Server
LC Doctor/Hot Rodder
5830 Posts |
Posted - 16 Jul 2002 : 14:42:40
Think Secret says that G3 iMacs are dead, and that there may be a new G4 tower out. iTools will be renamed .mac and subscribers will be charged US$100 a year to use it. New features will also be added to iTools. Also, look for a 20GB iPod, it is said that they may come out tomorrow.-------------------------- Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!! Warrior maclover5 68k Macintosh Liberation Army Number of 68ks Liberated: 6
68KMLA Comrade-in-Arms
4679 Posts |
Posted - 29 Aug 2002 : 20:46:55
hmmm, I'm hoping that small is what's in, so that Apple caon go ahead and make a IIsi sized machine maybe based loosely on the PBg4.I predict that this desktop behemoth will contain 3 horizontal PCI slots on a rizer card, and Performa Esque slide in HDDs that have a little adaptor, great for quick replacement. This machine will have a CRT and a special flat panel designed just for it, IE, will fit on the top without falling off. The CD drive will be a slot load, and it'll be smart to the smaller CDs, OR, it'll be a tray load that has a holder like the one in the playstation 2, probably NOT like the original iMac CD drive... UGH. Withought the PCI slot riser, and with a smaller HDD and low end optical drive, this machine will come in at under $1000 and onboard video will output to only one monitor at a time, we will expect to see a monitor similar in shape and fearures to the AudioVision 14" one, in at least 2 sizes. A rerealease of the original USB keyboard will be used to go withthe machine, remember, it's a small unit. You will be able to put the feets on differtly so that you can place it vertically instead of horizontally. You'll be able to buy a new top and riser card that will hold more cards and drives, provision for a larger PSU will also be there. This will be the first A) NOT to boot into Mac OS 9, at all, not even classic mode is preinstalled B)of a series of new, differently designed macs that some people will find more attractive, or useful for their needs C) USB based mac where you'll probably have to buy your keyboard seperate, a Performa like bundle will include the machine, keyboard, monitor and some software, probably AppleWorks and the other junk that apple gives us D) in the about this mac or whatever command, it'll tell you more useful things like when the machine was made, how many hours of use it's had, your current uptime, the record high uptime and other cool things that people want to know E)Apple will include a disk from which you can boot to perform maintenance tasks, this includes things like disk doctor, and a defrag utility. F)Once again, machines with available AV systems will be the norm, this machine will take a "personality card" like approach to things like TV tuners, AV i/o and extra monitor ports, standard, will be RCA and svideo RCA audio in, after that, you can get output, TVFM tuner, and many many more, An internet based TV guide program will be loaded on the HDD, whether or not you got any of the AV features G) Mac OS 10.3 will provide nominal support for these features, Mac OS 11 (XI) will be right around the corner as a $50 upgrade for people who want more speed and MUCH better support for AV sybsystems dislaimer - This is just my own little prediction... no one really start to wait for this dream machine in so many ways. although this is a perfect machine and alot is able to be done with such a machine, it probably won't happen, though Official 68k videographer |