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Private Entrance
Starting Member

17 Posts
Posted - 01 Dec 2001 :  19:21:17
As this is my very first post, and I am still new to this outfit, let me introduce myself. I am Private Entrance, unknown footsoldier in the war to liberate the venerable 68k Macs. I joined up because it was a Mac Plus (1MB RAM, System 3) that saved my life from the beige tedium of the DOS minions. Now, I feel that I must repay that nameless hero, by saving as many of his buddies that I possibly can.

To date I have liberated and given shelter to:
My first Mac, a Mac Plus with maxed out RAM (4MB!), and the FannyMac to cool off that huge amount of RAM. It had a whopping 33MB HDD, but that died and I lost the supreme program, Spectre! Then it started exhibiting the most bizzare symptom, it would lose all power, then flicker on and off as it tried to reboot, and the floppy would make trashing sounds. Well I cracked to case open and resoldered the Logic Board Cable, and it's been a happy camper ever since. I still have this one.

Two years ago I saved a 512k Mac from curbside trash collection atr a friend's house on the other side of the continent. Here's my dedication for ya': I paid $120 to have it and a printer shipped to my side of the continent! And I still haven't even opened the boxes yet...

Last year I received another Mac Plus. Haven't had the time yet for 'triage', don't know it's specs.

And then I got all the extras. Another friend asked me if I wasnted to save some old Macs from the garbage pile. I got a 68040 Centris 650, complete with a Video Spigot and a whole lot of Japanese on it. This package also came with a pile of HDDs and extra stuff of all kinds.

But it is my sad duty to tell of one that didn't make it. In that pile was a Performa 630CD. It suffered from Burnt MotherBoard Syndrome after some yahoo insisted on sticking one of them newfangled PPC 'upgrade' chips into it. When are these people going to learn? Can't you just be happy with 66 MHz???

Well, I hope I've done justice to the 68k Macintosh, and earned my right to wear the 68KLA uniform. I'm proud to call myself a Private in this computer's army.

Private Entrance
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
68k Macs liberated: 5

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 02 Dec 2001 :  03:46:52
Welcome, soldier! I'm the boss around here, ask me or any of the mods for help or advice. Nice stories, but I can't help but to ask: did you lose the supremely cool Spectre or the next version up, Spectre Supreme? You can d/l them online.

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.Go to Top of Page

Private Entrance
Starting Member

17 Posts
Posted - 02 Dec 2001 :  10:46:24
I would strongly suggest making a FAQ ASAP. It took me about a week of trawling through here to figure out what is going on and how I can get involved. I am still going on guess-work. Most of the pages at your mac.com don't work anymore.

I just took it upon myself to come up with a name and rank...

Now where do I d/l the original Spectre? My friend with that 840AV had it networked to a MacPlus and we would play against each other... I have Spectre Supreme on the Centris 650, but I think it's monitor is dead...

Private Entrance
68k Macintosh Liberation Army
68k Macs liberated: 5Go to Top of Page

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 :  05:09:23
And the pages don't work since they are not up yet. This group is still fairly new, these forums are only one month old!

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.Go to Top of Page

Starting Member

6 Posts
Posted - 03 Dec 2001 :  19:17:22
Just wanted to wave and say hi as a new member, myself. I have to admit, though, I've dropped the ball in the past when it comes to actual liberation, but I'm here to make amends.

My first Mac was an SE/FDHD 80MB HD, I forget the RAM... That little beastie (with a few upgrades here and there) was used until 7 or 8 years ago, when I replaced it with a Performa 631CD and gave the SE to my mom.

With the help of my MIL's boyfriend (who then worked at ComputerTown), we set up an LC (I forget the exact model) for my mom -- the SE went to my little sisters. A couple years later, they "upgraded" to a Gateway moo-box and I came back to retrieve the Macs. I darn near ruptured something when I was told that they put the SE in the DUMPSTER because they didn't think I wanted it! (WAH!) When they went back to retrieve it, though, it was gone, so I'm hoping a proto-68kMLA member liberated it and gave it a good home... .

The latest retrieval mission went awry only because my hubby wouldn't let me bring home the orphaned Mac II's his uncle had at his business (granted, most of them needed serious help getting going again, and we just don't have the space to keep them), but I did manage to rescue a Duo 2300c with dock before they went to the recycler.

I hope maybe to find some absolution and a new resolve to find any rescues some new homes (I'll probably list our Performa for sale at some point, once I unpack it from the box it's in...). Thanks for creating these forums -- they're a fun read (and, to whomever posted the link to get the PPC port of Mouse Stampede... thank you!).

-- Jen

Edited by - monkeyhouse on 03 Dec 2001 19:18:02Go to Top of Page

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 05 Dec 2001 :  04:58:20
I would strongly suggest making a FAQ ASAP. It took me about a week of trawling through here to figure out what is going on and how I can get involved. I am still going on guess-work.[quote]


Can you upload this page, Firewire?

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.Go to Top of Page

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 05 Dec 2001 :  10:25:54

I would strongly suggest making a FAQ ASAP. It took me about a week of trawling through here to figure out what is going on and how I can get involved. I am still going on guess-work.[quote]


Can you upload this page, Firewire?

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.

Yeah. I'll up that and the field supply list when I get home (just so we can have some real content). When I get a chance I'll modify them...(at least the field supply list. i can't see your FAQ here at school - its blocked)

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
Forum moderator
68k Macintosh Liberation ArmyGo to Top of Page

Full Member

523 Posts
Posted - 05 Dec 2001 :  15:45:24

I don't know if it's just me, but the word spacing on the FAQ is off.

Sgt. Tallgeese
Apple II Squad Leader
68k Mac Liberation Army

68k Macs Liberated: 3Go to Top of Page

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 05 Dec 2001 :  18:13:15

I don't know if it's just me, but the word spacing on the FAQ is off.

Sgt. Tallgeese
Apple II Squad Leader
68k Mac Liberation Army

68k Macs Liberated: 3

It's off on both the FAQ and the field suppy list. Consider it "filler html" (no offense ~Coxy) until i get a chance to modify/enhance the pages

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
Forum moderator
68k Macintosh Liberation ArmyGo to Top of Page

Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 06 Dec 2001 :  09:21:00
Consider yourself...one of us!
Consider yourself...one of the family...

Lieutenant EL CINE, 666th poster to the
68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums

Master of the Mac II series forums
Total 68K Macs liberated: 4Go to Top of Page

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 06 Dec 2001 :  13:08:13

Consider yourself...one of us!
Consider yourself...one of the family...

If you're referring to "Annie", I do believe it goes
Consider yourself at home
Consider yourself part of the family
it's clear we're going to get along

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
Forum moderator
68k Macintosh Liberation ArmyGo to Top of Page

Guerrilla Recon Leader

2965 Posts
Posted - 06 Dec 2001 :  13:11:21
Yeah I got it all backwards. I know the "consider yourself one of us!" is the last line in the song, though.

Lieutenant EL CINE, 666th poster to the
68K Macintosh Liberation Army Forums

Master of the Mac II series forums
Total 68K Macs liberated: 4Go to Top of Page

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 07 Dec 2001 :  04:55:33

I would strongly suggest making a FAQ ASAP. It took me about a week of trawling through here to figure out what is going on and how I can get involved. I am still going on guess-work.


Can you upload this page, Firewire?

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.Go to Top of Page

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 07 Dec 2001 :  10:39:09
the FAQ is up!! sheesh!!!


FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
[url="default.asp.html"]Forum[/url] moderator
[url="http://homepage.mac.com/mla68k"]68k Macintosh Liberation Army[/url]Go to Top of Page

New Member

71 Posts
Posted - 07 Dec 2001 :  19:37:57


Consider yourself...one of us!
Consider yourself...one of the family...

If you're referring to "Annie", I do believe it goes
Consider yourself at home
Consider yourself part of the family
it's clear we're going to get along

i do believe that that was a reference to Oliver Twist.......

peace out,
<3 AMANDA <3Go to Top of Page

Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 08 Dec 2001 :  04:45:20
Damn, screwy double post...

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
68k Macintosh Liberation Army (now with forums!)
00013 Macs liberated.Go to Top of Page

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star

1559 Posts
Posted - 08 Dec 2001 :  18:08:21

i do believe that that was a reference to Oliver Twist.......

ah perhaps...*strokes long, invisible beard*

FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
Forum moderator
68k Macintosh Liberation ArmyGo to Top of Page


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