I have an attic full of 68k macs that I want to get the hell out of there. Not that I don't love them, I will just never get around to using them. I inherited them from a local newspaper who used to use them for writing copy and classified ads and had them all networked together. What I would like in trade is some kind of powerbook which I can give my wife to use. The comps will go to the person who proposes the best trade, as judged by me. I am not at home to post a more specific list, but here is roughly what you would get. If you are interested let me know and I will make a more detailed list.
- several Classics
- several IIfx's
- a few Quadras and Centrises
- a couple of pizza-box LCs
- a box full of networking cables and adapters
- a couple of old monitors, at least one of which is a grayscale portrait monitor
- miscellaneous old bits of software on floppy including system disks, HyperCard, etc.
- probably some other stuff I am forgetting
Most of the comps are in good working condition, though some are better than others. Same with the monitors. Some will be good only for parts. I have not set the comps up on a network (except for direct sharing using a crossover cable).
Obviously in trade I would like something that is usable out of the box. I would propose that we each pay our own shipping, which of course would put a greater burden on me, so if you have any suggestions for cheap shipping (or if you have a pickup truck and live nearby) that will be a factor. I live in New Brunswick, Canada, so preference will be given to folks within driving distance.
Please drop me an email at superiorstudio@mac.com or reply here if you have any questions or trades.