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 Several Powerbook problems/queries
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Junior Member

United Kingdom
162 Posts
Posted - 16 Jun 2002 :  03:55:20

I've just got hold of a Powerbook external video lead, with the intention of using it with my PB160 & 540C. However, I've got some problems with the quality of the image on the external monitor (An Apple 13" Trinitron M12012 or something).

With both, the quality of the picture on the external monitor is horrendous: slightly blurry, and consisting of about 5 colours as opposed to the 256 colours set in the Powerbook settings. Bringing up the palette, I see that blue seems to be OK, but red seems to be black.

I don't think its a problem with video mirroring, as I've tried both options. Also, I notice on the 540C that when it starts up, the background is a nice blue, but then just beofre it finishes booting, it swaps to a murky blacky-blue. (Like it had 256 colours, and something has made it change)

I know the monitor is fine, as the colours look great when its attached to my LC475. Any ideas??

Also, another problem with my 540C:

I can successfully use an external extended keyboard and mouse with my PB160, but they don't seem to work with my 540c (I've even tried with just a mouse). I know that the ADB port is OK, as I can start the Powerbook by pressing the Power key on the external keyboard. The three lights (caps lock etc) appear for a split second when I press the button, and then no life from there on in. Should I be changing some settings? I thought not as the kb and mouse work straight away on my 160?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions/advice,


Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 16 Jun 2002 :  18:31:34
Seems like a screwed 540c, because my 540c does external ADB and video just fine... sorry to say it, but looks like a hardware problem...

Have you tried a complete erase of the 'Book?

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
Mayor of NuBus City v3.0
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Full Member

637 Posts
Posted - 17 Jun 2002 :  01:02:29
Have you tried the video adaptor on another PowerBook? The adaptor may be screwed - or the connection into the back of your PB may be loose. Dunno about the keyboard.

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