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Senior Member

United Kingdom
1226 Posts
Posted - 12 Jun 2002 :  12:46:02
I want one!

A powerbook 280c duo is too expensive for me at the moment, so I am thinking about an lc475.

I want a cheap computer easy to use for downstairs while the tv is on. (we are allways remembering that I have to run such things past my wife who is whittering at me at the moment)

But what monitor can I use with the lc475? a cheap small one?


LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 12 Jun 2002 :  14:35:38
You can use any monitor with an LC475, including PC ones, provided you use an SVGA adapter. However, if you can get one, a good bet is a Multiple Scan 15". Its a small 15" display, and will support resolutions up to 1024x768, and should be easy enough to come by. Good luck, and i hope this helps.


Pizzabox LCs RULE!!!!!!!

Warrior maclover5
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