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 Liberated Performa 578
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Starting Member

31 Posts
Posted - 06 May 2002 :  08:26:28
Picked up a working Performa 578 at a church rummage sale over the weekend for ......$1.00.....

Does anyone know of a manual or any other info on this machine. It needs a CMOS battery and most definately needs a larger hard drive. Also will a PPC cpu upgrade work for this machine?

TIA for any help.


Leader, Tactical Ops Unit

2822 Posts
Posted - 06 May 2002 :  08:41:26
1) Manuals are on our Hotline server. Info can be found at LowEndMac.
2) It's called a PRAM battery, and I believe that it is a square battery pack thingo.
3) It takes a 3.5" 1/3 height SCSI 50 pin HDD.
4) You need to do a board swap to get a PPC chip.

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
Mayor of NuBus City
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Starting Member

31 Posts
Posted - 06 May 2002 :  10:18:46
Thank you...found the manual on Apple's site...ignorange made me call it CMOS battery (that and 25 years of work with/on PC's)...so any standard 50 pin SCSI-1 drive...and finally, the whole main board or one of the add in boards?

0ldsch00lpunkGo to Top of Page

LC Doctor/Hot Rodder

5830 Posts
Posted - 07 May 2002 :  05:59:40

1) Manuals are on our Hotline server. Info can be found at LowEndMac.
2) It's called a PRAM battery, and I believe that it is a square battery pack thingo.
3) It takes a 3.5" 1/3 height SCSI 50 pin HDD.
4) You need to do a board swap to get a PPC chip.

~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit
Mayor of NuBus City

No he doesn't! He needs either a "Macintosh Processor Upgrade" (made by Apple, a loooong time ago, good luck!) or a DayStar PowerCard 601, which is also quite hard to find. These are PPC upgrade boards which are sandwiched between your '040 and the mobo, and can let your Mac start up as either a 68k or a PPC. Either way, great find, and have fun! For specs, check the other recent Performa 578 thread in this forum...i posted a great deal of info about these machines in that thread.


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Warrior maclover5
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