i don't remember which thread it was in, but somebody mentioned a 68060 based Radius Rocket. i didn't jump on it then, but i think it's a great idea!if the Rocket looks to the motherboard to copy the mac roms for each session and the 68060 runs on the rocket as a PDS daughtercard, it wouldn't really matter what OS was on either the mobo or the Rocket.
it would be a third CPU level looking to the Rocket only as an i/o controller similar to the the way the 030 in a IIfx looks to the IIe's (6502's) which control its two i/o channels. a Rocket Stage Two conveniently runs on a 40Mhz 68040 and has eight 30 pin RAM sockets that can be set up as a minimal system install and a RAM disk a/o DRAM based i/o cache for the 80Mhz 060's communication with the slowpoke Rocket and thru it to the NuBus.
all the while the mobo twiddles its thumbs and it stays out of the way unless called on to provide slow i/o like floppies or SCSI chain devices and on startup to provide the Rocket's RAM with the ROM/Toolbox routines!
does this make sense to anybody? is the 060's internal clock rate 160 Mhz per the 680X0 series convention? i think the 060 can be looked at and optimized as an A/UX or other OS Mac emulator that runs like a bat out of hell!
whaddaya think, gang?
jt ™. .