As you all know here, I, uh ... "swing both ways" when it comes to computers.A lot of people think that the problems they have with Mordorsoft are because Mordorsoft software utterly bad.
I don't think so ... er, well, not always. I think that incompetent technical writing is to blame at least 60% of the time for problems with Mordorsoft's OSes. Techincal writing is a passion with me. I took a graduate level tech writing course, and I was assigned to write a manual instucting people how to use the digital microform scanners. One of the comments I hear quite often is , "Wow! It was just like the manual said it would be. All I had to do was read the book and look at the pictures and it was exactly that way on the computer." Patrons and staff are genuinely pleasantly surprised that they can just read the manual and actually get the computer and scanner to work.
In this household we have 2 digital cameras that connect to the PC. One will probably hook up to the iBook, the other will probably never get hooked up to the iBook (and that's a shame.)
Camera #1 is a $700 Olympus Camedia C30.
Camera #2 is a $50 Intel webshot.
Camera #1 uses a custom shaped USB plug. Camera #2 uses a standard USB plug.
Camera #1 has 2 35 page long manuals printed in 4 languages. Camera #2 has a single folded sheet printed in 4 languages.
Camera #2's software installed just like the folded sheet said it would, and downloading pictures to its easy to use, versitle, and frankly nifty software is a snap. It also functions as a webcam, and I can teleconference with it, and also take some stills with it while it's pluged in. My little blue and white Intel camera is the coolest $50 computer gizmo I've ever bought. And, the camera and software work just like the instructions say they will. It really sucks that there will never be Mac drivers for this camera.
Camera #1's book of instructions had me shaking with rage. After 45 minutes of futzing around, and installing the drivers 4 times, I still couldn't get the computer to find the camera and download the images. I re read the manual yet again with my "this must be crappy tech writing hat" on.
If you ever get an Olympus Camedia camera and plan to hook it up to a PC, please note that Page 5 really should come first. If you follow the instructions on page 5 and then do what it says on pages 3 and 4, your camera will be detected and install, and while the software is not as easy to use as "Chipzilla's" it's not that bad.
I'll experement with hooking it to the iBook, but I don't have my hopes up. Not only have I established that the manual contains inferior technial writing, but all the instructions and software talk about "Mac OS 9.04". This is a camera I bought for christmas. No OS X instructions or drivers. Uh, duh? Hello? Mac has only made it clear that they're moving to OS X for the past 2 years?
I hate bad technical writing.
68K's liberated: 0
68Ks adopted to loving homes: 2
PowerMacs adopted: 1