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631 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 13:55:38
Hey there, folks! I think this is my first posting around here... cool! Anyway, I've got a few things kicking around here that I could live without... so if they're anything you really need, make me an offer! I'll sell any of this stuff, but I always prefer to trade (all the better to get cool stuff!). Anyway, here are the things I can think of off the top of my head (I reserve the right to add more things later on after digging around in my closet):1 Complete copy of "Falcon 4.0", with all manuals, CD, box, etc., all in good condition. 1 Complete copy of "The Sims", with all manuals, CD, box, etc., all in good condition. 1 Complete copy of "Diablo II", with all manuals, CD(s), box, etc., all in good condition. 1 Working (Mac-formatted) PCMCIA 340-meg hard drive card. Really cool gizmo, great for "wow, that's cool!" effect. I used this with my PowerBook 1400/133 before I got my TiBook, but it's collecting dust these days... 1 Atari 130xe, in great shape, with box, CPU, and 2 video adapter boxes (except the AC adapter... can't seem to find it anywhere... but easy to replace on eBay or at Radio Shaft) Well, that's all I can think of right now, without actually getting up off the couch and looking (you see, that'd require effort...). So, if you're interested in anything I've got listed here, lemme know! Thanks a bunch, folks! SpaceBoy
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 18:28:32
Hey again- Forgot something: 1 Complete copy of Tony Hawk 2, with box, CD, all manuals, etc., in good shape. More later on... SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER!! |
Trading Post Commander

202 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 20:08:26
WELCOME! It's always nice to see a new recruit to the MLA! Feel free to ask questions and check out all the different forums!General LeeMac M.A.C ( Mac Action Commando) Trading Post Commander 68k's Liberated 0004 Edited by - leemac on 07 Apr 2002 20:14:22
Senior Member
1282 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 20:19:41
ahh SpaceBoy? Have you happen to know Steve Jobs on the moon?  Jeremy "I'll see you on the Dark Side Of The Moon" - Pink Floyd Covert Ops 68k 68k Hacks General  Macs Liberated:17 |
Leader, Tactical Ops Unit
2822 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 20:58:27
^Inside joke...^~Coxy - Leader, Tactical Operations Unit 00014 Macs liberated |
Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 23:00:10
Hey, folks! Thanks for the very warm welcome! I've been following the MLA on the MacAddict forums since the begining- I'm a great fan, you see... I've been liberating Macs (and other old computers) for years now (I always thought of it as 'adoption', but I like 'Liberating' just as well!), and it's amazingly gratifying to find a bunch of like-minded lunati-, err, foreward thinking folks. Okay, I'll stop buttering you all up! Thanks again, SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER!! |
Starting Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 07 Apr 2002 : 23:39:08
Spaceboy, What is the least you would take for the PCMCIA hard drive card??? JimThe older Macs are a lot like quality time, thoughtful people and a good nights sleep. |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 08 Apr 2002 : 18:45:40
Oh, another thing to trade: I have an external SCSI CD/RW drive. 2x write, 2x ReWrite, 6x (I think...) read. It's a name-brand drive, but I just can't remember what brand it is- I'll look when I get home (I'm at school... T3 network... yum!) This is a great drive, and it served me very well on my 7100/G3 266, so it should worn fine on pretty much any SCSI-enabled Mac, even 68k'ers, I'd imagine! So, ad this to the growing pile of stuff to trade! SpaceBoy PS I'm really hoping to get some sorta burner that'll work on my PowerBook G4- USB, FireWire, whatever... PPS MacLady- what's the most you'd offer for it??  Right now, I think it's loaded with System 8.1 and a bunch of good MP3's (Led Zeppelin, Doors, etc.). Really, I'm looking for anything like I mentioned above, or some gizmo to let me run sound-in on my PBG4, or any other cool gadgets. Offer away!  AppleBASIC FOREVER!! Edited by - SpaceBoy on 08 Apr 2002 18:46:45 |
Starting Member
20 Posts |
Posted - 08 Apr 2002 : 19:46:04
Hi Spaceboy: About all I have to trade would be a Power Book 100. It is in great condition, very clean, screen is good, no scratches. It has a big ol 20mb hard drive and either 6 or 8 MB of ram, external floppy, and a power supply. Will include a battery, but don't think it charges. Or I will buy at the right price. Let me know!!!! MacladyThe older Macs are a lot like quality time, thoughtful people and a good nights sleep. |
911 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2002 : 15:34:43
What's a PCMCIA hard drive? Is that a Type 2 or Type 3 size card?`Marchie ~Chaplain Marchie Holder of the Compact Mac - -Stick of Justice, with Explodeing CRT head -Wand of Power with Shocking Flyback Transformer Tip ~~"We are all Mad here"~~ |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2002 : 17:30:57
what's the damage for diablo? 22 macs in here, eight or nine humming away and not a single game on any of them. oh, and would i need some kind of video card to run it?

Full Member
631 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2002 : 19:13:41
Let's see...As far as the hard drive is concerned, I'll try to post pics later on, but for now I'll describe it: It's about the size of a deck of playing cards, but maybe a third as thick. I think it's a Type II card, but I might be wrong... all I know is that it fit fine in my PowerBook 1400 (with it's two stacked PCMCIA slots- it connects with one slot, but takes the space of two cards atop each other), but won't fit in my PowerBook G4 (with it's single PCMCIA slot). I bought it (or at least my excuse for buying it was...) to use to swap data from the 1400 to the G4 and back, but since it dinnae fit in tha slot (I cannae change the laws of physics, Cap'm!), it's just sitting around right now. From what I can tell, it's exactly twice as high as a 'standard' PCMCIA card, hence working in the 1400 but not the G4. I looked into buying (or making) some sort of extender card to hook it into the G4, but it's beyond my means. As for Diablo, that more depends on what type of Mac(s) you want to use it on... it runs okay on my PBG4, but I dinnae think it'll wherk inna lowly 68k machine (Cap'm! The crystals inna CD-ROM chamber are gonna fracture! She cannae take much more!). Post yer specs and I'll tell ya... SpaceBoy out! (Sorry, in a 'Scotty' mood for some reason...) AppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
FireWire is fast
General, 4 star
1559 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2002 : 19:40:53
I think it's loaded with System 8.1 and a bunch of good MP3's (Led Zeppelin, Doors, etc.).
Woo-hoo! Another Doors fan! Jim lives, man, Jim lives!!!
-------------------- keeper of the website and beholder of the Quadra/Centris Stick of Justice™ -------------------- |
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631 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2002 : 20:51:19
HELL YEAH!!! I totally dig The Doors, (early) ZZ Top, Clapton, Cream, Robin Trower, Jimi Hendrix, Cornershop, (early) Dave Matthews Band, and of course, the mighty ones, Led Zeppelin! Oh another thing: quote: ...but I dinnae think it'll wherk inna lowly 68k machine (Cap'm! The crystals inna CD-ROM chamber are gonna fracture! She cannae take much more!)
I know it sucks to quote oneself, but I just wanted to clarify that by 'lowly 68k machine', I mean fantastic, all-powerful, 68-thousand-times-better-then-PPC-or-x86, little beige cans of whoop-ass. Thank you very much. (I just thought I'd better protect myself- I keep reading reference to the 'Quadra/Centris stick of Justice', which, as a new guy around here, I'd rather not be thwacked with!)  Later, SpaceBoyAppleBASIC FOREVER! As of 4/8/02: TiBook G4/500, "Difference Engine" PB 1400/133, "KayPro II" PB 180/33, "Osbourne 1" PMac 7100/G3-266, "DEC Rainbow" and "Altair 8800" Quadra 950, "HAL 9000" iMac Rev.A/333mHz, "Deep Blue" Newton 120, "PADD" |
New Member
59 Posts |
Posted - 11 Apr 2002 : 22:25:34
I'd be attempting to run your diablo on a G3ed 7600 or perhaps a wallstreet 266. I'm talking to a guy on the other side of the country about video cards in shoeboxes under his bed but all is speculation at this point. I'm assuming I'd need some kind of graphics boost for the 7600's, what is it, 4megs of vram? No big deal, just thought I'd look into this whole game thang. Thing.
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