• Updated 2023-07-12: Hello, Guest! Welcome back, and be sure to check out this follow-up post about our outage a week or so ago.

What happened to 68kmla.net?


Well-known member
I have been busy with various things and so have come back to the site and ... wham! A new site. I gather from various postings that the server went kablooie, but I haven't been able to piece together the entire story. Could someone please fill me in? Thanks.




Well-known member

Yeah, the hard disk in the server died, host said that there were backups, even thoug there weren't, site was down for a couple months IIRC.



Guerrilla Recon Leader
It was real sucky, and mostly my fault. But we've moved on to a happier place.

[;)] ]'>



Well-known member
This forum is special. The collective knowledge that grows in it can't be found anywhere else.

1. Who is now doing the hosting now?

2. What provisions have been made to back up the forums?

3. What can be done to prevent a similiar outage?

I also feel that sometimes you need to pay for what means something to you. I just donated $25 by PayPal. I wish it to be used for hosting costs.



Guerrilla Recon Leader
Tom is hosting it himself now, and he's a lot better at backing things up than I ever was. What happened before was a bit of perfect storm of negligence on my part and the part of the host I was using...neither of which are factors anymore, thankfully.




Well-known member
Sounds great overall. Is there any way we can get back, from what I can see, at least three years worth of content?



Well-known member
We've had many proposals, several long talks, and a few threads about that subject, and the general consensus is a resounding no. :'(

Or at least, not without a bloody lot of work. It's a shame, because there was alot of good info in the old forums. It was the shining star of keeping 20-year-old computers alive :p



Well-known member
It was down for about 3 weeks, but most people stayed in contact via IRC, and other smaller, temp. forums
It was a LOT longer than three weeks. It went down at the end of March, and wasn't back up until May 1.

Well, okay, not a LOT longer, but it sure seemed like that :)



Well-known member
I am sorry to hear that all of that lost information is gone. But look on the bright side, as long as this forum remains active and participants continue to

ask good questions, we will add new information.
